How to use RC ?

What’s the reason for not having the Equalize setting from 20-20000hz? Wouldn’t you want RC to catch the whole frequency range? With the default settings, it kept boosting my mids and lows but not touching the high frequencies.
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If that is where you put your head when listening then yes 😀
You want to know what the speaker is delivering. Frequencies below 150 Hz are non directional. That is why you can get away with a single subwoofer.

But they are highly susceptible to reflection and cancellation. Placing the mic on a large surface, like a wall or floor, minimizes cancellation. You would still move it around as requested by the app.
I am just thinking out loud, but I think it would be interesting to do low frequency room correction using the PZM technique, then a separate correction for higher frequencies. Then manually stitch them together.
Why is that? Why not cover the whole frequency?
With given mic on iPhone which are not precision like umik 1, it would be best to limit the range. Now, if you attach high quality external mic then full range would be the approach.
Why is that? Why not cover the whole frequency?

To protect your speakers . How much output do your speakers have below 40hz at your listening distance ? Above 4khz there is a reason but I do not remember now
What’s the reason for not having the Equalize setting from 20-20000hz? Wouldn’t you want RC to catch the whole frequency range? With the default settings, it kept boosting my mids and lows but not touching the high frequencies.
Read (and understand) this thread from the beginning and you will get answers.
I've been using 10 Band PEQ for room correction for quite a while and been happy with it. In all this time I had the subwoofer phase set to 180. Tonight I tried setting the subwoofer phase back to 0 and latency to 6ms and turning EQ off and so far I am equally happy. No doubt I'll play with PEQ again when per channel PEQ is available but will I prefer it?
Pity it doesn't support UMIK1, I'd have bought Ultra by now if it did, if it can plug straight into the USB Port, first loading up the UMIK1 cal file (and keeping it in non volatile storage)

With dedicated source room EQ, I would have option of just the source, or all source EQ (then using pure or stereo mode) or if the RC correction is better than the one in my processor, just copy values from the Wiim RC system to my processor.
Pity it doesn't support UMIK1, I'd have bought Ultra by now if it did, if it can plug straight into the USB Port, first loading up the UMIK1 cal file (and keeping it in non volatile storage)

With dedicated source room EQ, I would have option of just the source, or all source EQ (then using pure or stereo mode) or if the RC correction is better than the one in my processor, just copy values from the Wiim RC system to my processor.
Don't give up hope too soon. We can still request this feature.

Technically it should be doable, even if not available right from the start. Support for "external microphones" on Android has already been confirmed, so WiiM will have to do with calibration files anyway, no matter if the mic is connected to the Amp/Ultra or the phone (analogue or digital).
Given Housecurve supports external mic can’t see it being hard for Wiim to add support for them. I guess first hurdle is done with addding it as a simple to do process with iPhones, then add support for other ways as Android comes to fruition.

I found the accuracy between my phone and Umik1 quite pronounced in the high frequencies as the mic isn’t good up there abs it has to make compensations.
Ok so I finally got the update and tied the RC.. it gave me the following curve which really sounds crappy lol. It basically killed all my treble. I know by listening room probably needs some work but returning to my previous settings for now.

My set up is a Wiim Amp paired with Polk T15s in a 40m2 living room and my listening position is around 4mt away. Any suggestions on how to get the best settings?

Ok so I finally got the update and tied the RC.. it gave me the following curve which really sounds crappy lol. It basically killed all my treble. I know by listening room probably needs some work but returning to my previous settings for now.

My set up is a Wiim Amp paired with Polk T15s in a 40m2 living room and my listening position is around 4mt away. Any suggestions on how to get the best settings?

View attachment 8318
Any form of remote diagnosis is pretty much impossible, just looking at the filter parameters and reading your description. There's no clear hint in the direction of killed treble.

Some measurements would be required, at least. And even then, in the end it's all about if you like the result or not. But measurements would at least be indicative of what's going on.
Ok so I finally got the update and tied the RC.. it gave me the following curve which really sounds crappy lol. It basically killed all my treble. I know by listening room probably needs some work but returning to my previous settings for now.

My set up is a Wiim Amp paired with Polk T15s in a 40m2 living room and my listening position is around 4mt away. Any suggestions on how to get the best settings?

View attachment 8318
Try correcting only up to a certain frequency, say 1.5 Khz, and see if you prefer.
Ok so I finally got the update and tied the RC.. it gave me the following curve which really sounds crappy lol. It basically killed all my treble. I know by listening room probably needs some work but returning to my previous settings for now.

My set up is a Wiim Amp paired with Polk T15s in a 40m2 living room and my listening position is around 4mt away. Any suggestions on how to get the best settings?

View attachment 8318

You sit too far outside of the capabilities of your speakers and amp
You sit too far outside of the capabilities of your speakers and amp
I understand.. however the couch distance from the setup configuration is unlikely to change (furniture adjustments require big authorization lol :p ). Would a pair of bigger speakers, also 8ohms help improve this?