Signposted to this thread from one on noisy phono inputs on the Ultra, read first 12 pages and tried wading through the subjective v objective debate, and couldn't see an explanation or solution to the specific problem I have, but would I be right in summarising the thread as follows? :
- Someone did some measurements on the Ultra
- Some of those measurements were interpreted as sub optimal
- Some debate about whether those suboptimal data points are significantly audible
Has there been a concensus and if so what is the conclusion? Is the Ultra fine or flawed?
I don't wish to open up more debate on the topic of science, but just to say that in order to engineer medicines or aircraft, we have to agree a method by which we agree on the interpretation of our measurement data, because it's not an exact process. Engineering relies on understanding and managing the uncertainty of your data sets. You don't certify aircraft parts by taking one measurement in a non-accredited laboratory.