Possibility to apply both (room correction) PEQ and GEQ


Oct 19, 2024
I use the the room correction feature with a flat target curve. Sometimes I’d like a little bass lift or “loudness” when listening at low volume or a thin sounding recording.

It would be great having the possibility to apply any of the predefined (or custom) GEQ profiles on top of a saved auto correction EQ, instead of having to edit the saved PEQ which is a bit cumbersome.
Upvote 12
Apparently, independent eq rc did not see the light of day of release in public. There’s no information on what’s going. Me and @slartibartfast been waiting on this feature. There are so many beta that’s currently out there. Dlna cast and independent peq rc been out for long time in beta.
We're not talking about independent EQ per channel for RC here, though.

This request is about separating RC (which might be done the same for both channels or individually) and EQ (which never needs to be individual per channel).

We're not talking about independent EQ per channel for RC here, though.

This request is about separating RC (which might be done the same for both channels or individually) and EQ (which never needs to be individual per channel).

Have you added a formal feature request for this? I will do it today, but the more who requests this the more likely it will be implemented I suppose.
Have you added a formal feature request for this? I will do it today, but the more who requests this the more likely it will be implemented I suppose.
No, I haven't.

But we're discussing all this in a feature request thread started by @DamagedGoods. :) So, by all means, please start by voting up his idea in the initial post (and don't forget to like):

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No, I haven't.

But we're discussing all this in a feature request thread started by @DamagedGoods. :) So, by all means, please start by voting up his idea in the initial post (and don't forget to like):
I’m unfortunately not able to upvote my own requests ;)

You’re right about I should have added the request in the general wiim home app section though!
There simply was no need for any number of additional bands, if RC and EQ were separated.

Let RC do what it is intended for. Apply additional EQ (with it's full power, no further limits) apply whatever changes you need

This also greatly simplified the creation of your own EQ profiles. No need to copy over any RC results and start modifying from there. If you have to do a new RC (changed speakers, changed speaker positions, new furniture, whatever) there's no need to also chang your personal EQ settings. You just keep them and apply them on top of the new RC.
Thanks. I’ll have to dive a little deeper in the eq section.
I agree with the OP and others, EQ should be available after the Room Correction PEQ has done it's job.

Room Correction should not be On or Off. When you decide you want to run RC you select it. RC then automatically sets "EQ" to off, RC runs and saves the results to the "Auto" file in the "PEQ" section and automatically selects it. The user then can tweak the "Auto" PEQ filters and save it as they wish. The user can also create custom PEQ or EQ files as we do now and select them instead.

The WiiM app selections could look like this:

WiiM Home.jpg