Recording audio with the WiiM Ultra

Phono pre-amps with built in USB out for recording.

There are quite a few around but the vast majority are low end as far as the ADC is concerned and only capable of 16/48. Why is this? Part of it is to do with drivers (or lack of them to be precise). Devices that only operate up to 16/48 don't need drivers to operate with Windows, Linux or Mac.

Thngs like the NAD PP4 are limited to 16/48 but unlike many others the NAD does have a gain control.

I did find one Phono pre-amp that includes USB Audio Class 2 circuitry (24/192) but it isn't seemingly available in UK -

If anyone knows of any other device then I'd be interested to know about it.
I have one of these.

Being able to set the Optical output as a fixed level 'recording out' would be great. I have an RME interface with optical in...
Being able to set the Optical output as a fixed level 'recording out' would be great. I have an RME interface with optical in...
That’s surely simply too dangerous. WiiM won’t want complaints about blown speakers.
It’s already an option? Just not at the same time as a variable output from another connection
You are of course correct. I was being dense. I even have my Mini set to fixed output over optical!!