Room correction

Quick question.. probably already answered by someone. Is it / will it be possible to apply a calibration file for my iMM-6c microphone in the app? Does this calibration file significantly affect the measurement? If so, and the file cannot be uploaded, is it better to use REW?
We don't know if calibration files will be added in the future. For now you could apply Room Correction in the WiiM app and check the results in REW.
We don't know if calibration files will be added in the future. For now you could apply Room Correction in the WiiM app and check the results in REW.
Not the other way around? Use REW with calibration file to do RC, and apply the results in Wiim app?
Not the other way around? Use REW with calibration file to do RC, and apply the results in Wiim app?
You can do it both ways but if you want to see how well the WiiM RC works use it for RC then use REW to measure the response of the system with the WiiM EQ enabled. Ideally it would follow your chosen target curve.
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You can do it both ways but if you want to see how well the WiiM RC works use it for RC then use REW to measure the response of the system with the WiiM EQ enabled. Ideally it would follow your chosen target curve.
Is rc on wiim on par with rew? I ask because I never use it.
You can follow up by sending message by saying “what’s the status of being processed?” I got same like you then follow up with message and then got answer in 12 hours.
Just got a reply saying it will be fixed in the next version. Shame it couldn't have been fixed in the app version released today. It can't be a difficult fix as it was working correctly in the beta before they added the toggle
I am using android with MiniDSP UMIK-1 for room correction. Is there an option I can load calibration file of UMIK on the app?