The competition doesn't sleep

The ultra uses 4 pieces of opa1611 in the analog stage that seems to be DC coupled . An absolutely sota op-amp used, and no capacitor to degrade the sound.

The output impedance though rca out is very low, at 11 ohms. Perfect for driving poweramps.

It cant be much more transparent than that . I think this is a good thing in a preamp.

However , as my own review showed with the Rega dac - one might prefer some coloration later in the chain = lower SINAD .

I think that the digital preamp in ultra is absolutely sota soundwise - and using an external dac makes it free to use any colored dac of choice .
Is it really a surprise that big tech giants want to defend their prices?

Remember, a review where the reviewer has had the product for free is usually an ad.

I also don't understand this obsession with Airplay, it might be easy but it sounds terrible compared to using the apps for casting, and defeats the benefits from the high end hardware. It's a bit like listening to an old worn cassette with $4000 headphones.
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I also don't understand this obsession with Airplay, it might be easy but it sounds terrible compared to using the apps for casting, and defeats the benefits from the high end hardware. It's a bit like listening to an old worn cassette with $4000 headphones.
It's not that bad and sometimes there's a wife who wants to play its workout routine with iPhone... 😎
Is it really a surprise that big tech giants want to defend their prices?

Remember, a review where the reviewer has had the product for free is usually an ad.

I also don't understand this obsession with Airplay, it might be easy but it sounds terrible compared to using the apps for casting, and defeats the benefits from the high end hardware. It's a bit like listening to an old worn cassette with $4000 headphones.
Airplay allows groups and multi-room sync. Not trivial.
I’m so old I remember when Stereophile waxed poetic about high-end FM tuners. Vastly inferior to Airplay.
So does WiiM, but losslessly, and if we're talking $1000 hardware you can buy 4 pro plus and still have change.
They haven’t been very good at explaining how this works. Here’s something I do every day: have music or TV sound playing in three adjoining rooms.
They haven’t been very good at explaining how this works. Here’s something I do every day: have music or TV sound playing in three adjoining rooms.
I have 2 wiims and I found the process was as simple as making a group in the app and then playing to any member of that group.
Memories of the good old times can do miracles. Anything older than 30 years was the best, even myself on the pitch... 😎
Memories or… being able to compare today top notch FM tuners. Some of us have done just that. Think Sequerra, Magnum Dynalab class.
CD is 16 bit, 44k. FM Is about 12 bit, 32k.

I do not need the digital conversion lesson. FM is analog and playback is through an analog channel end-to-end. I am not against digital or analog.
I also don't understand this obsession with Airplay, it might be easy but it sounds terrible compared to using the apps for casting, and defeats the benefits from the high end hardware. It's a bit like listening to an old worn cassette with $4000 headphones.
I don’t think obsession is the right word. And 320 kbps AAC objectively does not sound terrible. You’re right on one thing, it’s not the way to listen to your favourite music but it’s great for a myriad of other scenarios. Don’t knock it just because you don’t know it and consider that other users have other considerations that yourself.
I don’t think obsession is the right word. And 320 kbps AAC objectively does not sound terrible. You’re right on one thing, it’s not the way to listen to your favourite music but it’s great for a myriad of other scenarios. Don’t knock it just because you don’t know it and consider that other users have other considerations that yourself.
I have tried airplay, as my WiiM Pro Plus still supports it, and I noticed a significant degradation in quality vs native casting.

Even my father in his advanced years with limited hearing, could tell the difference.

That to me is "terrible", making assumptions doesn't help a discussion.

WiiM supports multi-room play without airplay, and sounds better, so it seems like other than a few unique scenarios, it's not a big issue.