Use inputs as presets


Major Contributor
Jan 17, 2024
It would be nice if I could set inputs as presents, so that rather than toggling "source" several times, I can just press 4 on the remote for my turntable, for example.

Auto mode doesn't work for my purposes as my phono stage seems to always make the amp think there's a signal on the line in.
Hi Bazmattaz,

We're working on this. Meanwhile, can you turn on the Auto-sensing for Line In (connected to your turntable)? Does this work for you? Thanks!
I had to turn auto sensing off for my turntable as it would randomly cause my Pro Plus to turn on (and in turn turn on the amp via trigger) a few times a day.

I think there's noise on the input, even when the preamp (Schiit Mani v1) is turned off (or maybe especially when it's off).

Maybe if we had an adjustable auto-sensing threshold? That said since using the turntable involves physically going there and manipulating things, also switching the input on the WiiM is easy :) But I concur it would be easier by just tapping a preset on the remote and not having to pull out the phone/tablet, navigate to the app, etc ..
I came here searching for this suggestion. I want the 1 on the remote to be Wi-Fi, and the 2 to be optical in.

Also, if the preset button on the front panel of the Pro and Plus could cycle through the presets (which could be assigned to inputs) then it could also act as a source button. Basically, allow the presets to also select the source, and not just the station or playlist.