What products you'd like to see WiiM produce?

I’d love to see a WiiM AV processor with multichannel usb output or balanced outputs but with each channel with the same dac as the WiiM Ultra. 10 band peq on the subwoofer would also be great. No dolby decoding as standard and use lpcm 7.1 like the Minidsp Flex HT but with the option to purchase the licence.
Make best possible quality streamer without DAC for about 300 USD. No screen, no remote, no other fancy stuff. Just focus on sound quality. Use good line power input, high quality connectors, etc.
Respect people with external DAC - give them what they need.
Make best possible quality streamer without DAC for about 300 USD. No screen, no remote, no other fancy stuff. Just focus on sound quality. Use good line power input, high quality connectors, etc.
Respect people with external DAC - give them what they need.
That has been suggested many times over prior to the development of ultra. Guess what you got ultra with built in dac? It’s probably not much more expensive by adding dac. Of course if you don’t like the built in you can always choose your own. The idea why it was included for those who doesn’t have external dac and therefore they would get those users to buy them. Two bird in one stone!
Yes. If the Ultra analog output isn’t to your taste use one of the digital outputs to a DAC with your fave flavors.
I'd really like to see the ability to use IR control in WiiM hardware.
Thia would be great!
I am using the Harmony Hub to control the TV, setup box, BluRay player and active speaker controls by using one simple remote.
Adding the WiiM(Ultra) makes control easy (and my wife can turn on music with a few pushes on the single remote
Essentially the Ultra without a DAC. All the usual outputs but add a second sub out on coax. Enhance the DSP to add custom crossover control w/ slope options, delay, and gain to each output channel. Allow for 10+ channel PEQ filters on each channel with support for biquad file import (these would be used for room correction). Add a final PEQ filter that would be used on all channels for quick tone control and would be the saved filter list for quick selection or saving to a preset, playlist, or input profile.
Essentially the Ultra without a DAC. All the usual outputs but add a second sub out on coax. Enhance the DSP to add custom crossover control w/ slope options, delay, and gain to each output channel. Allow for 10+ channel PEQ filters on each channel with support for biquad file import (these would be used for room correction). Add a final PEQ filter that would be used on all channels for quick tone control and would be the saved filter list for quick selection or saving to a preset, playlist, or input profile.
They mention that they will add more peq band which could help if it’s set full range. I think 10 band on full 20 to 20k maybe insufficient but good on narrow band.
Wiim Ultra Plus with balanced outputs. This would allow me to eliminate an external DAC from my setup.

EDIT: Oh, and add the missing Airplay thing. I don't need it, but many others seem to.
Add video (hdmi) capabilities to a product like Wiim AMP/ Ultra with several HDMI inputs and output to playback audio and video not only audio
First thing that came to mind was a tvOS app so I could show now playing / control playlist / browse, etc., from my Apple TV box.
First thing that came to mind was a tvOS app so I could show now playing / control playlist / browse, etc., from my Apple TV box.
Agree, would be the most important thing right now - either for tvOS or GoogleTV. The existing streamers already fit most persons needs! 😊
How about a surround sound processer that can decode 5.1 or higher video audio. It would have output for powered sub and amp output for center channel. Line level outputs to a pair of WiiM Amps to drive Front and Rear speakers.
Line level outputs to a pair of WiiM Amps to drive Front and Rear speakers.
The current range of WiiM Amps would be a complete waste in this scenario. You'd pay for two network streamers, two Bluetooth receivers, two pre-amps, two room correction processors with subwoofer management and two media servers just to get four channels of amplification. :P

If anything, then WiiM had to accompany the device you wish for with a pure stereo power amp (maybe supporting both, analogue and digital inputs).

This would allow somewhat modular systems. Combine one power amp and a network streamer for a minimalist stereo setup. Add a WiiM Woody surround processor for a 3.1 system later on. Add another WiiM Power Amp to extend the setup to 5.1.
The current range of WiiM Amps would be a complete waste in this scenario. You'd pay for two network streamers, two Bluetooth receivers, two pre-amps, two room correction processors with subwoofer management and two media servers just to get four channels of amplification. :P

If anything, then WiiM had to accompany the device you wish for with a pure stereo power amp (maybe supporting both, analogue and digital inputs).

This would allow somewhat modular systems. Combine one power amp and a network streamer for a minimalist stereo setup. Add a WiiM Woody surround processor for a 3.1 system later on. Add another WiiM Power Amp to extend the setup to 5.1.
Yeah, my description isn't good, but you have the point. I'd like to see 5.1 setup from WiiM. Their products are just so simple and easy to use I want to replace my giant Rotel setup. I suppose a Surround Sound Processor from WiiM would do and use existing 5.1 amp for driving the speakers.