Yee me feeling this way is more on me than wiim. Like others have said...just because one dude wants something, doesnt mean it works for the masses and makes sense for the company.
I would submit the following about the 6 month refresh thing though -
This feels maybe like a knee jerk reaction to the 3* response the amp recieved in some quarters.
Yes there are lots of 5* opinions on it, but i cant help but feel wiim are now used to universal 5* praise and acceptance (what with how well received their streamers have consistently become). could the 3* reviews have stung enough that they quickly undated the amp, maybe sooner than they would otherwise have done? This kind of refresh rate has the potential to set a precedent though ? I can imagine a world where it could potentially has negative effects on sales of older lines (will standard amp sales remain strong in the wake of this announcement ? Or will people now wait for q3 amp pro release?) and devalue 'the product' ( why invest in amp pro in q3 when itll be old tech in 6 months time ?) .
Of course i may have this all wrong

its simply the inital feelings i had that were born out of the surprise at their announcement along side the ultra.