This should work:
## Install the OS
Follow this guide to install Raspberry Pi OS Lite
(32-bit or 64-bit)
A beginners guide to installing an Operating System to your Raspberry Pi.
# ssh into the Pi and make sure the OS is up to date
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
## Mount the remote NAS Share
# If you don't know the NAS Share name, list all the shares on the server
$ sudo apt install smbclient
$ smbclient --no-pass --list <server-ip>
# Install the cifs package (this is a suggested package of smbclient so may not be necessary if you installed it above)
$ sudo apt install cifs-utils
# Make a directory to hold the mounted NAS Share
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/music
# Mount the filesystem temporarily to check connection details
$ sudo mount -t cifs //<server-ip>/<server-share> /mnt/music
# NOTE: If you have to authenticate to the NAS share append the following details to the above command
-o username=<share_user>,password=<share_password>
# Check it worked
$ ls -l /mnt/music
# If it worked, unmount the share and configure for mounting at boot time
$ sudo umount /mnt/music
# Add the cifs mount to the bottom of the fstab file (replace vi with your editor of choice e.g. nano)
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
//<server-ip>/<server-share> /mnt/music cifs user=<share_user>,pass=<share_password>,iocharset=utf8 0 0
# NOTE: Remove the "user=xx,pass=xx," if the share isn't authenticated
# Verify the fstab changes
$ sudo mount -fav
# Assuming the test proved "successfully mounted" mount the share
$ sudo mount -a
## Install MinimServer and dependencies
# Once you have the remote share mounted follow the instructions here (they look daunting but they're really not).
# NOTE: Make sure to install the package for the architecture
(32-bit or 64-bit) chosen during the OS installation.
# At this point you should be able to see the MinimServer configuration web interface on http://<server-ip>:9790, or via MinimWatch if you installed it using the previous instructions. This is where you perform library rescans, but it can also be done in control point apps like BubbleUPnP.
Any problems let me know.