WiiM Ultra Firmware v5.2.711448 - Mar 22, 2025

Regarding the VuMeter that wasn't working I wrote here :
"The curious thing is that they forced in my Ultra the same version that I already had, since I had the update (5.2.711448). Well, when my Ultra was updated the meter did not work and I opened the ticket. They forced in my Ultra the same version and now it works. I can't explain it.🤔 Maybe something went wrong during the first update."
I have to make a correction. The version number is the same, but between the version they forced into my Ultra and the official one, there must be some difference.
In fact, I noticed by chance that with the FW version that they forced on my Ultra, the orange Meter disappeared. That's OK, (y) I would never have used that meter, because, like the last two, it is unreadable from a certain distance; it is too bright; the part of the scale and the needle are not evident enough, contrasted, and they are very ugly.
So, welcome to the Meter needle that works and no orange Meter. 🤗 As a setting for the Meter, I use the option not related to the volume, but to the original signal and now the needle has a coherent behavior. It oscillates on the scale and is no longer blocked at the bottom right of the scale itself, it hardly reaches 0 but it moves between the two points I marked.
I do not use it for practical purposes, but aesthetic ones. Of course, it would be nice, with the right scale, to be able to use it also for practical purposes
IMeter Copia.JPG
Does this app update automatically? How do you know which version and how do you update?
The WiiM Home App updates will be available in the Google Play Store, or the Apple App Store, depending which OS you are using.

You can check the current versions of both the WiiM Home App, and your WiiM device firmware version in the WiiM Home App under the More menu. You can also check if there are any firmware updates for your WiiM device on the same menu.

I do believe the WiiM devices will update their firmware automatically eventually, but whether the WiiM Home App updates automatically will depend if you have auto app updates enabled in the Play or App stores.
Regarding the VuMeter that wasn't working I wrote here :
"The curious thing is that they forced in my Ultra the same version that I already had, since I had the update (5.2.711448). Well, when my Ultra was updated the meter did not work and I opened the ticket. They forced in my Ultra the same version and now it works. I can't explain it.🤔 Maybe something went wrong during the first update."
I have to make a correction. The version number is the same, but between the version they forced into my Ultra and the official one, there must be some difference.
In fact, I noticed by chance that with the FW version that they forced on my Ultra, the orange Meter disappeared. That's OK, (y) I would never have used that meter, because, like the last two, it is unreadable from a certain distance; it is too bright; the part of the scale and the needle are not evident enough, contrasted, and they are very ugly.
So, welcome to the Meter needle that works and no orange Meter. 🤗 As a setting for the Meter, I use the option not related to the volume, but to the original signal and now the needle has a coherent behavior. It oscillates on the scale and is no longer blocked at the bottom right of the scale itself, it hardly reaches 0 but it moves between the two points I marked.
I do not use it for practical purposes, but aesthetic ones. Of course, it would be nice, with the right scale, to be able to use it also for practical purposes
View attachment 18866
The original source measures are taken before any pre-gain or EQ, so although it looks nice its usefulness is limited.

To me it looks like WiiM is adapting the measures to look nice and within the scale but is not doing the correct calculations based on the actual volume value. Try adding some pre-gain to the output measures at 100% volume and you will see what I mean!
Does this app update automatically? How do you know which version and how do you update?
from the main screen press the three dots with the word ‘more’ on top of them at the bottom right of the screen, then ‘firmware updates’. that’s for the ultra’s firmware version, for the wiim home app version same screen right above ‘app version’
The original source measures are taken before any pre-gain or EQ, so although it looks nice its usefulness is limited.

To me it looks like WiiM is adapting the measures to look nice and within the scale but is not doing the correct calculations based on the actual volume value. Try adding some pre-gain to the output measures at 100% volume and you will see what I mean!

With all this talk of meters and DSP calculations… I just hope @WiiM Team disable all that (DSP calcs) for those who turn off the display. Ideally the DSP should be off when no EQ, no volume control, no display. Just asking.
from the main screen press the three dots with the word ‘more’ on top of them at the bottom right of the screen, then ‘firmware updates’. that’s for the ultra’s firmware version, for the wiim home app version same screen right above ‘app version’
How do you think the display types you've been asking for are calculated/displayed?
Not with DSP. It's a simple probing of some sample values. It do nothing to the data stream. It's run by a completely other process that do a simple log conversation. And I guess it's not even being calculated if another screen is showing.

If a spectrum analyzer was to be shown, as some has asked for, it would take some more resources for sure.
I just got a reply from @WiiM Support to my ticket. They were really quick this time and I thank them. This is the reply :
Hi Maurizio
I have pushed the latest OTA firmware version 5.2.711448 to your WiiM Ultra. Could you kindly check if the VM meter is functioning properly?"
I checked and now the Meter works and behaves appropriately. Changing the option the needle has a different behavior. 🤗
The curious thing is that they forced in my Ultra the same version that I already had, since I had the update (5.2.711448). Well, when my Ultra was updated the meter did not work and I opened the ticket. They forced in my Ultra the same version and now it works. I can't explain it.🤔 Maybe something went wrong during the first update.
In any case, what matters is that it works now.(y)
Thanks @WiiM Support
I don't think it works fine. I checked the original signal option first with some test signals.
It shows peak values rather than rms values.
It takes both channels into consideration, single channel signals are 3dB lower.
It uses simple sample amplitudes so intersample overs are ignored.
It is for some reason sample rate dependent. 12k sine at 48 kHz shows lower value than the same signal but at 96 kHz.
It's weighted or something. 1k sine is giving different value than 12k sine.

After switching to the output amplitude mode when EQ is off and volumes are at 100 % I'm getting much higher values, exceeding 0dB, although I would expect the same behavior as before.
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This update comes with new feature I have not seen before called precision room correction.

Thank you. I did not noticed that. I shall give it a try in wider frequency range since, for the time being, I'm just correcting from 35 till 250Hz to solve some low and mid-low room modes. I'm very pleased with the current result so I will try this new feature just in a "curiosity base" :)
Good afternoon friends of the WiiM forum. My question is the following and I don't know if it happens to other members of the WiiM forum, but when I send audio either from my iPhone or Mac Apple Watch via Bluetooth, the song cover is not showing. Only the Bluetooth logo on the screen of my WiiM Ultra. The same thing happens in the new Apple TV app WiiM Home TV. What should I do to get the cover to show on the screen of my Ultra device? Thank you for any help you give me!
Good afternoon friends of the WiiM forum. My question is the following and I don't know if it happens to other members of the WiiM forum, but when I send audio either from my iPhone or Mac Apple Watch via Bluetooth, the song cover is not showing. Only the Bluetooth logo on the screen of my WiiM Ultra. The same thing happens in the new Apple TV app WiiM Home TV. What should I do to get the cover to show on the screen of my Ultra device? Thank you for any help you give me!
Admittedly, I never use Bluetooth for streaming to any of my WiiMs, but why do you?

If you have music stored e.g. locally on your iPhone you should be able to stream it via Wi-Fi directly, using the WiiM Home app (Browse tab > My Library > My Music).