Wiim Ultra oddities

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Jan 28, 2025
Is it me or are this a correct design feature of the Ultra. When the device is off, why does it switch itself on when touched ? This is very annoying because if I want to reconfigure cables it means that I first need to unplug it from the mains . Standby mode on any devise should be a sufficient setting before unplugging cables safely
But it is in relation to this thread and I was notified about it, therefore I am at liberty to reply to it. Is this ok hgo58 and Burnside
You're wasting your & everyone else's time ranting on the forum.
If you want to see anything changed or added, use the correct subforum or just submit a feature request through the WiiM Home app.
Still, I think 99% of the people here would agree that deactivating a touchscreen's responsiveness when in standby is pretty counter-intuitive.
But it is in relation to this thread and I was notified about it, therefore I am at liberty to reply to it. Is this ok hgo58 and Burnside
You're free to keep insulting and nagging other users until a moderator is fed up, of course. You're also free to stick to your quirky assumptions like making or breaking connections had to be safe in standby mode. But is it so hard to understand that you're not talking to WiiM here?

If you want something to be changed, either features or documentation, contact WiiM directly. Period.
I am at liberty to reply to it.
Yes, of course.
But I was replying to what @Joseespona wrote about twins.

To be honest, I'm not sure what you mean by "safe standby mode" (I guess I don't know enough).

For example, my Yamaha AVR does not have a power shut-off switch, so I have to unplug the power cable during network standby in order to turn it off completely. I have unplugged the cable many times and have never broken the HDMI, same goes for the Ultra, Amp and all WiiM devices.
Its always a good idea to do a bit of research before buying equipment. If a power switch was a must, then there are streamers in the market that have a switch. You can kindly ask the Wiim team and the forum users if a feature that you are missing is useful and can be included in future firmware updates. So don’t get upset and raise a ticket through the app
The only people that are getting upset are people that are critical of the subject of my post. Those that can't understand that the instruction booklet and online manual is incomplete. Those that can't accept this should move on to another thread because this advice you give is now meaningless to me. But you can post a thread warning anybody else about this problem, there will be a few with the same issue. But try not to be too sarcastic, no wait a minute, I keep forgetting, that's the whole point of social media. Just try and belittle as many people as possible. There will be plenty of other first time buyers that will also get confused. As this forum has demonstrated.
You're free to keep insulting and nagging other users until a moderator is fed up, of course. You're also free to stick to your quirky assumptions like making or breaking connections had to be safe in standby mode. But is it so hard to understand that you're not talking to WiiM here?

If you want something to be changed, either features or documentation, contact WiiM directly. Perio
Yes, of course.
But I was replying to what @Joseespona wrote about twins.

To be honest, I'm not sure what you mean by "safe standby mode" (I guess I don't know enough).

For example, my Yamaha AVR does not have a power shut-off switch, so I have to unplug the power cable during network standby in order to turn it off completely. I have unplugged the cable many times and have never broken the HDMI, same goes for the Ultra, Amp and all WiiM devices.
Which model av is it
Yes, of course.
But I was replying to what @Joseespona wrote about twins.

To be honest, I'm not sure what you mean by "safe standby mode" (I guess I don't know enough).

For example, my Yamaha AVR does not have a power shut-off switch, so I have to unplug the power cable during network standby in order to turn it off completely. I have unplugged the cable many times and have never broken the HDMI, same goes for the Ultra, Amp and all WiiM devices.
Speak to a qualified electrical engineer about plugging live HDMI cable into a live port. Not from the likes of the so called experts on this thread
The problem is that nowhere in the manual does it tell the user that the device remains on at all times. I found this out by accident.
Well, isn't it obvious that to always be able to start streaming to it, it has to remain powered on and connected to the network? Simple as that. That's the core functionality of the device and that's why people buy a streamer - for it to be wirelessly accessible at all times from their phone or computer. If you're always going to turn it on/off manually, then you might as well just connect your phone with an aux cable or DAC.
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You seem to be confusing network standby with standby. the PM6006 is not a network device.

I have many network devices in my house without power switch: Fire stick, Echo, router, smart IR controller, etc... All of these work fine.

Sorry, but I think your cat tapping on the Ultra screen is your proble

If you’re trying to antagonise me like you have others in this thread, you’ve failed. It was entertaining, but it’s now just tiring.
Then leave it you've not said anything constructive
Well, isn't it obvious that to always be able to start streaming to it, it has to remain powered on and connected to the network? Simple as that. That's the core functionality of the device and that's why people buy a streamer - for it to be wirelessly accessible at all times from their phone or computer. If you're always going to turn it on/off manually, then you might as well just connect your phone with an aux cable or DAC.
No it doesn't, look at the input settings you have to select where the streaming service is being taken first. That's the same as waking it up. As soon as you select another input the device will then play that input. In standby you can set auto detect for line in optical and HDMI but not the internet.
No it doesn't, look at the input settings you have to select where the streaming service is being taken first. That's the same as waking it up. As soon as you select another input the device will then play that input. In standby you can set auto detect for line in optical and HDMI but not the internet.
I'm genuinely trying to understand your point, but you lost me at "select where the streaming service is being taken"

What do you mean by that? Since the WiiM is always connected to network, you can start streaming at any time (no matter which input is currently selected) and access it from the WiiM Home app at any time. It is still a streaming - first device and in this sense it doesn't differ much from the WiiM Mini or Pro, just with additional inputs and outputs.
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Speak to a qualified electrical engineer about plugging live HDMI cable into a live port.
Nobody ever said otherwise, at least not in this thread.

I always unplug the power cable first before unplugging the HDMI cable, so it probably doesn't matter 🤔.
And this is the one and only correct way.to do it.

In standby you can set auto detect for line in optical and HDMI ...
Exactly, and for that to work the port has to be active, quite obviously. That's the whole idea behind HDMI-CEC.

Now, thinking that disabling HDMI-CEC had to disable the port in standby is an inadmissible reverse conclusion. HDMI specs don't touch this subject and it's also not common practice.
Then leave it you've not said anything constructive
No mate, if I have failed why do you keep coming back for more leaving more childish emoji's
I'm genuinely trying to understand your point, but you lost me at "select where the streaming service is being taken"

What do you mean by that? Since the WiiM is always connected to network, you can start streaming at any time (no matter which input is currently selected) and access it from the WiiM Home app at any time.
OK lets put it another way, I meant which of the preferred streaming apps are selected. When the device is closed down it will stay connected to the internet and to the same station that was last being used, but if you use the device as I do you will know that it is a fully functioning pre-amp. So when I select another input ,lets say line in, the only way the device will reconnect to an internet station is when it is commanded to do so. What ever station I was previously listening to has to be re-selected. This you know can be done from your phones app or the main screen on the device. It will not do this task automatically unlike setting the auto detect choices. for other inputs.
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the only way the device will reconnect to an internet station is when it is commanded to do so. What ever station I was previously listening to has to be re-selected.
Yep, that's how it works.. Internet radio is just a part the many services covered by the "Wi-Fi" source. Sometimes by pressing the play button while in "Wi-Fi" mode, it will actually pick up my previous streaming source. I think it depends on which service you were using, but I'd have to properly test this myself.

If you want a button to directly start playing a specific radio station, that's where the preset buttons come in handy.
Is this twitter in disguise?? Anyway I mentioned about my Wiim coming out of standby overnight. I'm new here so didn't realise at the time that others had experienced the same thing. As I mentioned I turned off the Auto sensing on line, optical and and analogue in and no difference. I also mentioned that there is no option for USB so I disconnected the USB cable from my Wiim and so far it has been sleeping quite nicely. I've had my Wiim plugged into a Cyrus 8 Dac amplifier so maybe, even if the amp is in standby, it's waking the Wiim up.

Who knows but no big deal though, just buy and on/off switch, if I find it still wakes up.
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