Wiim ultra phono noise - is this your issue?


New member
Dec 3, 2024
First post- hope someone finds it useful.

I recently took delivery of an ultra as an all in one front end, particularly for the phono stage.

Was quite disappointed to hear digital artifacts on the phono stage with no input.

I swapped leads, grounding points, power supplies and nothing sorted it.

Then I thought about the powerlines I have to provide network to my garage. Turned them off and lost all noise.

Going to try a power filter before I have to run a fibre….

This YouTube short shows the impact of having one end of the powerline connected. Noise on phono

With both connected the noise is a lot more subtle, but still there.


Debut carbon evo with upgraded PSU -ultra phono -rotel A11 aux - B&W 606

The noise also disappears when using a fosi X4 phono preamp into the ultras line in.


Even though powerline adapters are easy to use they are bad for all audio equipment and networks due to the noise they introduce in the power and in the sorundings. A Mesh Network is a much better solution.
First post- hope someone finds it useful.

I recently took delivery of an ultra as an all in one front end, particularly for the phono stage.

Was quite disappointed to hear digital artifacts on the phono stage with no input.

I swapped leads, grounding points, power supplies and nothing sorted it.

Then I thought about the powerlines I have to provide network to my garage. Turned them off and lost all noise.

Going to try a power filter before I have to run a fibre….

This YouTube short shows the impact of having one end of the powerline connected. Noise on phono

With both connected the noise is a lot more subtle, but still there.


Debut carbon evo with upgraded PSU -ultra phono -rotel A11 aux - B&W 606

The noise also disappears when using a fosi X4 phono preamp into the ultras line in.


Power line are bad for audio as it’s introduced noise. If you have older router you can use that as access point to get wifi on your garage.
I appreciate that by fundamental way these devices operate, you are purposefully introducing noise to your power circuit. I’d just never experienced it to such an extent!

The interference is much more subtle when the powerlines have established a link, but still enough to make me want rid of them.

I’ll be setting up a wireless point to point, or running a fibre to the garage. It’s a separate building so a mesh system won’t cut it. (Plus I prefer wires).

As a short term solution until I can get rid of the powerlines, I have plugged my kit into a Tacima 6 way mains conditioner.

Noise has gone completely.
Was hoping I could sell my expensive (£1400) PhonoStage along with my ZeniTH 3 & Black Ice DSD DAC, with having the Ultra.
Unfortunately the offensive and irritating cyclic noise that pollutes the MC setting (very mild on MM) means I will have to keep the PS, atleast until it's sorted.

Internet connection is hardwired via Cisco switch which connects directly back to ISP modem.

Recording of offending noise
View attachment 20241224_113446.mp4
Internet connection is hardwired via Cisco switch which connects directly back to ISP modem.
Are the TT correctly grounded? And no noisy equipment attached to the main power supply?

I have simple Lenco TT with MC carriage with absolutely no noise.
The Phono Input in the WIIM Ultra is barely usable. Just switch to that input, put the volume up and do some knocking on the case of the ultra - that shouldn´t be the case with an properly constructed phono preamp.
The Phono Input in the WIIM Ultra is barely usable. Just switch to that input, put the volume up and do some knocking on the case of the ultra - that shouldn´t be the case with an properly constructed phono preamp.
I cannot recognize that when a TT is connected and grounded. Without anything connected there is (of cause) noise when you touch anything.
A WIIM Ultra Phono bemenete alig használható. Csak váltson erre a bemenetre, növelje a hangerőt, és koppintson az ultra házán – ennek nem szabadna így egy megfelelően felépített fono előerősítő esetén.
The Phono Input in the WIIM Ultra is barely usable. Just switch to that input, put the volume up and do some knocking on the case of the ultra - that shouldn´t be the case with an properly constructed phono preamp.
The phono input of my Ultra was also sensitive to resonance, so I ended up buying an external phono preamp, and I modified the Ultra to remove the entire internal phono preamp electronics from the signal path - so I have two analog inputs :)