WiiM Ultra

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Updated on 5/25/2024

Check out this fuller thread about our official announcement of the WiiM Ultra - https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/meet-wiim-ultra-the-digital-hub-for-your-music.3487/

Updated on 4/19/2024

Hi Team,

We're excited to give you a sneak peek at the WiiM Ultra, your future go-to digital hub for all things music! We're putting the final touches on this innovative product and are on track for a Q2 release. Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up for launch!


Original message by Brantome:
As mentioned in a user reply from the WiiM/Linkplay CEO on the WiiM Fan Page on Facebook, WiiM are developing a new device called the WiiM Ultra which will have a screen, aluminium case and USB audio output. It should be available Q2 2024, so a good five to six months away.

Guess @Smartplug is due a prize (e.g. I'll lay off gently ribbing them about their constant 'when' questions) as I think they first suggested that name a while ago ;):ROFLMAO:

That's the entirety of the information I have, but WiiM do say they'll release more details in due course.
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Yes that DAC is well known to be a really good DAC for the price. But why did you pick that one? There are hundreds of DACs out there. If you picked this one then my reasoning is that you must realize that it is better than most. Therefore there is a difference in sound.

I’ve never said DACs can’t sound different.

I’ve said any two DACs transparent to the source won’t sound different.
Here’s a cheaper DAC. It’s clearly transparent to the source.

Please explain how it could sound more accurate.

Read above the explanation. It applies to this dac.
I’ve never said DACs can’t sound different.

I’ve said any two DACs transparent to the source won’t sound different.
Two brand marantz and Yamaha sound different despite their flat response and distortion so low you can’t hear it.

That doesn’t touch on a DAC being transparent.

To be transparent a DAC needs to have a flat frequency response, SINAD below 115 dB, jitter below 115dB, you’ll not find any modern music with a SNR above 108 dB.

In real-world use, listening to music, you really don’t need to get that good, but given that you can for £80 it’s pretty churlish not to.
It's very painful here.

Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. We don't have to make someone suffer with the topic of hobbies. We don't have to fight with anyone.
Just have fun. ☺️

I know what you mean.

It can be difficult when you come to a WiiM forum where people are buying, or considering WiiM products and encounter those with the sole intent of telling everyone that WiiMs are cheap and not good enough.
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If you performed a controlled test, you must think that’s valid.

If it’s valid, why do you call people who ask you to do one ‘trolls’?

Please post details of the test (how it was conducted, etc.) and the results, so others can see if your results can be replicated.
I didn't call anyone a troll.
Hearing is subjective. People don't hear like a machine. It's impossible to prove a subjective hearing test. That is probably why you want me to prove my findings. You know that they can't be proven in a forum. In my opinion it seems that your main goal is to win a debate with all the twists and turns that debaters use.
So the benefit of high res is not hearing more frequencies obviously.... It is the easier job of the reconstruction filter of the dac allowing to apply a far gentler slope while converting the signal to the audible range with less artefacts.
If this is the one relevant benefit of having "hi" res over "CD" res (and I don't say I doubt it), then simply upsampling everything to 176 kHz (or 192 kHz) should yield the exact same result.

No additional audible high frequency components in the hi res source anyway, so no loss of precision or resolution or whatever one may like to call it. It's just a matter of how to remove aliasing artefacts in the most unobtrusive way. :)
If this is the one relevant benefit of having "hi" res over "CD" res (and I don't say I doubt it), then simply upsampling everything to 176 kHz (or 192 kHz) should yield the exact same result.

No additional audible high frequency components in the hi res source anyway, so no loss of precision or resolution or whatever one may like to call it. It's just a matter of how to remove aliasing artefacts in the most unobtrusive way. :)

Exactly . The upsampling cpu and general implementation should be adequate but with upsampling indeed you get the benefits. Good implementation may be a little expensive…
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Guys, I've already asked that this back and forth tennis match draws to a halt. It's no longer entertaining or informative. Please take it offline if you wish to continue.

Perhaps you could set up a separate thread where objectivist can subjectivist is discussed.

Then if anyone made a claim (either way) a mod, or any one of us could post a link to that, instead of cluttering up the other threads.
Just for the record, I don't think that the Wiim streamers are an inferior product. To the contrary, the Wiim streamers are fantastic products that are both affordable and are great digital streamers. The Ultra has the opportunity to expand on the already successful product line. WiiM streamers are flexible and allow users to choose which DACs they prefer. That is why there are digital outputs on the back. Enjoy your music folks!
Hello revered members. I'm late to the audience, so please forgive my narrow focussed question.
I really like and appreciate my Pro Plus, but wonder what's economically viable for Ultra wrt sound quality. I have studied the various hardware alterations that others have made to the Pro Plus (on YouTube etc.) along with their passionate A/B hearing evaluations. Is the membership expecting to see, as a minimum:
1) improved surface-mounted op amps (e.g. OPA1611's)? Or, even a board with socketed op amps?
2) the same AK4493?, or an option to order a pricier AK4499 version for example?
3) a return to wall mounted power supplies (so we can upgrade to our liking)?
With an upcoming Q2 '24 release for the Ultra, LinkPlay has probably already frozen such decisions.
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Just for the record, I don't think that the Wiim streamers are an inferior product. To the contrary, the Wiim streamers are fantastic products that are both affordable and are great digital streamers. The Ultra has the opportunity to expand on the already successful product line. WiiM streamers are flexible and allow users to choose which DACs they prefer. That is why there are digital outputs on the back. Enjoy your music folks!

Definitely agree, and it’s one reason I asked the question about bass management, what seems like an eternity ago.

If you use a sub, and the RCA sub out, will you be able to send the higher frequencies over digital, or will it have to be over RCAs, or balanced analogue outs (if there are balanced outs, please note the if, as I said last time).

For me, this isn’t a question of sound quality, but so I know how I’ll be setting my new system up.
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