WiiM Ultra

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Updated on 5/25/2024

Check out this fuller thread about our official announcement of the WiiM Ultra - https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/meet-wiim-ultra-the-digital-hub-for-your-music.3487/

Updated on 4/19/2024

Hi Team,

We're excited to give you a sneak peek at the WiiM Ultra, your future go-to digital hub for all things music! We're putting the final touches on this innovative product and are on track for a Q2 release. Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up for launch!


Original message by Brantome:
As mentioned in a user reply from the WiiM/Linkplay CEO on the WiiM Fan Page on Facebook, WiiM are developing a new device called the WiiM Ultra which will have a screen, aluminium case and USB audio output. It should be available Q2 2024, so a good five to six months away.

Guess @Smartplug is due a prize (e.g. I'll lay off gently ribbing them about their constant 'when' questions) as I think they first suggested that name a while ago ;):ROFLMAO:

That's the entirety of the information I have, but WiiM do say they'll release more details in due course.
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Just one more request for one more feature.

WiiM, when you've done with the inputs and outputs and the screen and PEQ and sub management room correction...

...you will remember to put a streamer in it. :ROFLMAO:
Hello all,

This is one of my wildest dreams regarding the new WIIM Ultra hardware: If we will be able to use it as a preamp for a power amp or for some active speakers, I hope we will receive a rotary volume control, similar to that of WIIM Amp. I am willing to accept one inch extra width and to pay 10 USD for this extra feature (less for me, more for my wife :))). It's one of the selling points that, in my opinion, is missing from Wiim Pro and Pro Plus.
Hello all,

This is one of my wildest dreams regarding the new WIIM Ultra hardware: If we will be able to use it as a preamp for a power amp or for some active speakers, I hope we will receive a rotary volume control, similar to that of WIIM Amp. I am willing to accept one inch extra width and to pay 10 USD for this extra feature (less for me, more for my wife :))). It's one of the selling points that, in my opinion, is missing from Wiim Pro and Pro Plus.
The WiiM Remote works great for me as a volume control for the Pro Plus I have.
Hello all,

This is one of my wildest dreams regarding the new WIIM Ultra hardware: If we will be able to use it as a preamp for a power amp or for some active speakers, I hope we will receive a rotary volume control, similar to that of WIIM Amp. I am willing to accept one inch extra width and to pay 10 USD for this extra feature (less for me, more for my wife :))). It's one of the selling points that, in my opinion, is missing from Wiim Pro and Pro Plus.
Totally agree with you. Not just for when the remote disappears, but also the feel of it.
Hello all,

This is one of my wildest dreams regarding the new WIIM Ultra hardware: If we will be able to use it as a preamp for a power amp or for some active speakers, I hope we will receive a rotary volume control, similar to that of WIIM Amp. I am willing to accept one inch extra width and to pay 10 USD for this extra feature (less for me, more for my wife :))). It's one of the selling points that, in my opinion, is missing from Wiim Pro and Pro Plus.
I agree. I understand that the app and remote lets you control volume, as well as setting a volume limit in their current streamers. However, adding a physical volume knob would help drive home the fact that it can be used as a preamp. A physical knob also feels more foolproof as you wouldn't wanna send a full signal to a capable power amp, risking both your hearing and speakers. It would also help cater to people considering something from EverSolo, which markets itself as having preamp funcionality with a physical volume knob.

If I could remove just one thing it would most likely be the phono input. I understand that quite a lot of people listen to vinyl, but I'd imagine most people who listen to vinyl already have the funtionality through their amp or turntable, or invested in an external phono stage for better quality. I also imagine that the overlap between people streaming vs people listening to vinyl isn't large enough to justify the extra cost of adding it to the Wiim Ultra. However, I might be wrong on this one!
I agree. I understand that the app and remote lets you control volume, as well as setting a volume limit in their current streamers. However, adding a physical volume knob would help drive home the fact that it can be used as a preamp. A physical knob also feels more foolproof as you wouldn't wanna send a full signal to a capable power amp, risking both your hearing and speakers. It would also help cater to people considering something from EverSolo, which markets itself as having preamp funcionality with a physical volume knob.

If I could remove just one thing it would most likely be the phono input. I understand that quite a lot of people listen to vinyl, but I'd imagine most people who listen to vinyl already have the funtionality through their amp or turntable, or invested in an external phono stage for better quality. I also imagine that the overlap between people streaming vs people listening to vinyl isn't large enough to justify the extra cost of adding it to the Wiim Ultra. However, I might be wrong on this one!
The rotary control will never be beaten IMHO... It simply offers the best feedback and best precision ever :)
Just a funny example: some 9 years ago, Honda implemented a liniar control for volume and temperature control on some of their cars, but they came back to rotary when they launched the next generation ;)
Everyone likes rotary controls.

There was a period in the early 80s when literally every control from volume to function was rotary, I love those style amps.

I also like the rotary "jog dial" approach to track selection employed by some units.
It's actually the 1980s that came up with BS like senso keys, multi click buttons and sliders hidden behind useless flaps. ;)

Good old rotary knobs are older ... and better, of course.
I also have somewhere a technics amp with weird controls that behave like rotary but have a | shape.
As it’s likely to be an evolution of the existing range rather than revolution, most likely 4 - at least to start with.
Thank you for the response. Would you happen to know if the 4 bands on the Pro is a physical limitation, or something that can be increased via software update.
Thank you for the response. Would you happen to know if the 4 bands on the Pro is a physical limitation, or something that can be increased via software update.
I honestly don’t know if it’s a memory or cpu limitation, nor indeed if it’s a planned enhancement - for example, it was mooted that 4 was all the Mini could accommodate and it’s been hinted more bands may be possible for the later models but unfortunately until WiiM publish a new definitive roadmap, we don’t really know.
I honestly don’t know if it’s a memory or cpu limitation, nor indeed if it’s a planned enhancement - for example, it was mooted that 4 was all the Mini could accommodate and it’s been hinted more bands may be possible for the later models but unfortunately until WiiM publish a new definitive roadmap, we don’t really know.

Given that this is the Ultra, you’d hope WiiM will have built in enough beef under the bonnet.
Well they got a lot of mileage out of the Mini and we have no way of knowing how much capacity the later models have to spare.

Aye, there might be enough with what they have on those already.

But if they’re already running with the needle in the red, I’m sure they’ll give the Ultra a bit extra.
I got a WiiM amp for my mom and absolutely love it.

I was just about to rethink my own audio setup, leaning towards HypeX Nilai power amp kits (though the idle power drain is annoying), and trying to find a preamp+streamer to go with it with phono & HDMI eARC ... It looks like the WiiM Ultra has the potential for being a perfect match .... at least if it gets balanced outputs, but I suppose with the adjustable gain jumper in the amp RCA to XLR cables might do... Hopefully no ground loop

Alternatives on the market are rare and overpriced (NAD C658 is one but $$$$)
I got a WiiM amp for my mom and absolutely love it.

I was just about to rethink my own audio setup, leaning towards HypeX Nilai power amp kits (though the idle power drain is annoying), and trying to find a preamp+streamer to go with it with phono & HDMI eARC ... It looks like the WiiM Ultra has the potential for being a perfect match .... at least if it gets balanced outputs, but I suppose with the adjustable gain jumper in the amp RCA to XLR cables might do... Hopefully no ground loop

Alternatives on the market are rare and overpriced (NAD C658 is one but $$$$)
I don’t believe the Ultra will be an amp but a streamer…
Hello all,

This is one of my wildest dreams regarding the new WIIM Ultra hardware: If we will be able to use it as a preamp for a power amp or for some active speakers, I hope we will receive a rotary volume control, similar to that of WIIM Amp. I am willing to accept one inch extra width and to pay 10 USD for this extra feature (less for me, more for my wife :))). It's one of the selling points that, in my opinion, is missing from Wiim Pro and Pro Plus.
There's a good reason volume is always best controlled via a round knob no matter the device. Automobile manufacturers figured this out a long time ago after flittering with up and down buttons on digital head units when they started to arrive. :) Hopefully, the Ultra will have a digital volume knob, especially if it's going to have some sort of preamp. Maybe a of set of pass-through RCAs for using it with an integrated amp that has a volume control.
I got a WiiM amp for my mom and absolutely love it.

I was just about to rethink my own audio setup, leaning towards HypeX Nilai power amp kits (though the idle power drain is annoying), and trying to find a preamp+streamer to go with it with phono & HDMI eARC ... It looks like the WiiM Ultra has the potential for being a perfect match .... at least if it gets balanced outputs, but I suppose with the adjustable gain jumper in the amp RCA to XLR cables might do... Hopefully no ground loop

Alternatives on the market are rare and overpriced (NAD C658 is one but $$$$)
Oh and WiiM, please add a 12v trigger out too 😁
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