you can also think that I could respect the speakers' biases concerning the bass or the response under 400/500hz but just try to reduce the acoustic accidents..and that is a sacred be taken up manually and not automatically..You still need to match the level of the corrected frequencies (up to 400-500Hz) with the higher frequencies. If you don't the final result will be bass light or bass heavy.
ps I only use the peq on the subwoofers ( internal) and the headphones ;-)
I only reacted to the approach of making a "cal"
I will leave it there..I do not master this subject ( I basically know the measurement on speaker not ""rc""" .... ;-) )
delaying acoustic accidents at the listening point is already a considerable effort... ;-)
(that's why I wouldn't even try to use an auto rc mode that would try to fit it into a curve ;-) but that's personal... preferring to act at the loudspeaker ...upstream)
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