Equalizer: 10 PEQs per channel please

the left right distinction seems to be in the pipeline...and that's a good thing...

but don't be fooled, it's the function of intelligent adaptation of the level according to the correction if in positive, which is the most important.. other software does it..

the subject has existed since the arrival of eq mode in mid 22..
will be too long for me to explain and certainly illegible with the language barrier...
just I strongly invite you to observe in the field of num the impact of your correction peq (rc?)...

it's a damn mess according to frequency, type of filter and Q factor applicable without too much degradation..
a vast field of observation....
in digital it is very simple and explicit...
it is a little scary and invites a measured and intelligent approach. .
for those who are a little equipped it seems to me that a control has been carried out,we quickly understand when things are going too well in the processing calculation-algorythm ...
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will be too long for me to explain and certainly illegible with the language barrier...

May I make a constructive suggestion?

Write your post in your native tongue in Google Translate and convert to English.

There’s no shame in that. And your posts will be substantially more intelligible.

Give it a go, and we can let you know how you get on.

Best wishes.
I just invite those who can to check if the algorithm is comfortable in carrying out your correction..in the digital domain it is easy...to have a little fun with this approach, it is edifying...
more clear?
good day
May I make a constructive suggestion?

Write your post in your native tongue in Google Translate and convert to English.

There’s no shame in that. And your posts will be substantially more intelligible.

Give it a go, and we can let you know how you get on.

Best wishes.
Yes, that's what I'm doing. 😁

Gboard and Microsoft Swiftkey have a translation function (however, it can only be used for short sentences).

One thing to keep in mind when using Google Translate is that you will need to write the French text before this forum has been translated into French, and then convert it to English. In other words, if this forum is automatically translated into French in Chrome, you will write the article after changing it back to English.
Yes, that's what I'm doing. 😁

Gboard and Microsoft Swiftkey have a translation function (however, it can only be used for short sentences).

One thing to keep in mind when using Google Translate is that you will need to write the French text before this forum has been translated into French, and then convert it to English. In other words, if this forum is automatically translated into French in Chrome, you will write the article after changing it back to English.
Even wiimer from Japan whose native language is Japanese can write good grammar that everyone can understand. Asian are known to read, write and speak english. How do I know? Maybe, I’m wiimer next door neighbor. 😂
I just invite those who can to check if the algorithm is comfortable in carrying out your correction..in the digital domain it is easy...to have a little fun with this approach, it is edifying...
more clear?
good day

Just stepping back and a more general point.

This is a public forum. We’re here to communicate with each other.

If I have a question or answer, but I post it in a way that’s ’more fun’ for me, but more difficult for everyone else to understand, that by any measure is just rude.

If I have a question, then when I post it I’m saying “Can you lot do me a favour and answer this, please?” If you’re doing so in a way which means maximum fun for you, but requires extra effort on everyone else’s part, that’s incredibly selfish. Any when that selfish person is the one asking everyone else to do them a favour, it’s bang out of order.

In your first post you used the word ‘illegible’, when you meant ‘intelligible’. Google translate would not have made that error. Its translation algorithm is without question better than yours.

Having used and read text from both ends at Google translate, I can guarantee you that it’s massively, I mean absolutely massively, hugely, streets ahead, of the translations you’re providing yourself. It’s really not even close.

I think it’s great that we have foreign language contributors to these forums, particularly as I’m monolingual, and envious of anyone who can speak another language, to whatever degree, so well done.

But at the same time, I don’t believe there’s any cognitive dissonance in me also pointing out simultaneously that’s it’s incredibly annoying that we have forum members who post with far less clarity than they could, purely for their own ‘fun’.

We’re not here for anyone individual’s personal entertainment, we’re here to help, support, encourage, and enlighten each other.

I hope.

Once again, no offence intended to anyone, and no criticism of anyone’s language skills.
Just stepping back and a more general point.

This is a public forum. We’re here to communicate with each other.

If I have a question or answer, but I post it in a way that’s ’more fun’ for me, but more difficult for everyone else to understand, that by any measure is just rude.

If I have a question, then when I post it I’m saying “Can you lot do me a favour and answer this, please?” If you’re doing so in a way which means maximum fun for you, but requires extra effort on everyone else’s part, that’s incredibly selfish. Any when that selfish person is the one asking everyone else to do them a favour, it’s bang out of order.

In your first post you used the word ‘illegible’, when you meant ‘intelligible’. Google translate would not have made that error. Its translation algorithm is without question better than yours.

Having used and read text from both ends at Google translate, I can guarantee you that it’s massively, I mean absolutely massively, hugely, streets ahead, of the translations you’re providing yourself. It’s really not even close.

I think it’s great that we have foreign language contributors to these forums, particularly as I’m monolingual, and envious of anyone who can speak another language, to whatever degree, so well done.

But at the same time, I don’t believe there’s any cognitive dissonance in me also pointing out simultaneously that’s it’s incredibly annoying that we have forum members who post with far less clarity than they could, purely for their own ‘fun’.

We’re not here for anyone individual’s personal entertainment, we’re here to help, support, encourage, and enlighten each other.

I hope.

Once again, no offence intended to anyone, and no criticism of anyone’s language skills.
« C’est curieux chez les marins ce besoin de faire des phrases »
Guys, this is getting way off topic and too close to personal criticism. If you don’t get the gist of @canard’s phrasing, then you don’t need to engage and are better scrolling on by. Thanks
Guys, this is getting way off topic and too close to personal criticism. If you don’t get the gist of @canard’s phrasing, then you don’t need to engage and are better scrolling on by. Thanks
Sorry. My comment was about the quote from the film.
Guys, this is getting way off topic and too close to personal criticism. If you don’t get the gist of @canard’s phrasing, then you don’t need to engage and are better scrolling on by. Thanks
What language does he speak? I’m not here to criticize him, I’m here bust his chops. 😂 I’m just kidding.
Guys, this is getting way off topic and too close to personal criticism. If you don’t get the gist of @canard’s phrasing, then you don’t need to engage and are better scrolling on by. Thanks

I want to be absolutely clear, and have been clear already, my foreign language skills are pretty much zilch compared to canard’s, and I’m envious of him, and indeed anyone else, who can converse in a second tongue.

The issue is that I understand it’s a forum rule that posts must be in English, so (I presume) everyone can understand each other.

I don’t want to ignite/scroll by canard’s post, because it’s not impossible that he has something useful to offer.

I just want to understand what he’s saying.

Is that a bad thing?
And Google translate says
"It’s curious among sailors this need to make sentences"
Still none the wiser.

I think that’s the point.

If we read a post and it makes no sense, if other forum members can’t understand it, something is going wrong.

I’m sorry if that’s controversial or insulting; it’s certainly not supposed to be.
I want to be absolutely clear, and have been clear already, my foreign language skills are pretty much zilch compared to canard’s, and I’m envious of him, and indeed anyone else, who can converse in a second tongue.

The issue is that I understand it’s a forum rule that posts must be in English, so (I presume) everyone can understand each other.

I don’t want to ignite/scroll by canard’s post, because it’s not impossible that he has something useful to offer.

I just want to understand what he’s saying.

Is that a bad thing?
He has another account from asr as well but using different user name. Many of us english is not our native language yet we can read, write and speak. One example is wiimer who is Japanese but he write english like a pro. I think it’s best of our interest to have brantone to address this that if someone will post a comment that no one can understand it would be better not to post anything as it can create hostile environment. People known to pick others that are not on their level. That’s just my take because if he’s going to post that no one can understand it just matter of time before someone will start picking on him. This is a forum that we express our thoughts about what we think whether you agree on it or not. I have good respect on canard hopefully going forward things will improve when he post so all us can understand what he’s trying to say.
Fair point.

It’s up to Brantome.

I will note, without any reference to any individual, that in any instance like this, there is an alternative explanation as to what’s going on.

I’ll leave you to figure out what that might be, if it’s not already obvious. I make no comment either way as to whether that’s happening here. Each individual will make their own, personal judgement, and I would not want to sway it.
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Dear WiiM-team,

thank you very much for successfully finishing this awsome and extremely useful feature to the WiiMs by the new updates from August 2024!!!

Keep up your busy software improvements ...