My experience with Wiim Ultra

Ok. Just received the SMSL PO100 Pro DDC. Oh boy.. seriously for me a huge upgrade. I think the most noticeable improvement is darker background (less noise maybe) as a result much more crispier and detailed sound of the instruments. Have been listening 3 hours straight after hooking it up into the chain with a big smile on my face, just wow! 🤯

As a reminder my setup now looks like this:

Wiim Ultra -> USB -> SMSL PO100 Pro -> Optical -> Geshelli J3 (Sparkos 2590 op amps and a dedicated LPS) -> RCA -> Musical Fidelity M3Si -> Buchardt P300

Sub: JL Audio D108

I don’t know the real science behind it, maybe the optical connection is isolating the noise much better compared to USB, or the reclocking is really a thing but definitely there is a big big improvement in my case. Hope this helps if someone is investigating this path. Cheers..)
Thanks for sharing. Please let us know if you notice anything else that's changed...

Are you using WiFi or wired ethernet with your ultra?!
+ How are you powering the DDC and the DAC?! 🤔
Thanks for sharing. Please let us know if you notice anything else that's changed...

Are you using WiFi or wired ethernet with your ultra?!
+ How are you powering the DDC and the DAC?! 🤔

To be totally honest and scientific, this is the first time I am using the optical connection to my DAC, it very well maybe the case of the switch from USB to optical. But I am lazy to do testing on that))

to power the Geshelli I have ordered a 12V linear power supply from Ali Express for around 80$ (really well made for the price I must admit)), and the SMSL DDC is being powered by the USB port itself.

Ok what else I have noticed? much improved bass on my sub. I really don’t understand why since its still fed from the internal DAC of the Ultra, but I can clearly hear and feel this punching in my face )))

I am using WiFi connection and streaming my music from Deezer.
It's a strange characteristic of the fairytale world of hifi that so much is devoted to arguing over the noises eminating from a few bits of electronics strung together with bits of wire. As far as it goes for me, I know when it all sounds okay to me and when it doesn't - I've had equipment which just was awful, others which disappointed, and stuff I've probably just got used to. That's how it is. 99% of the disagreements, put-down & claims of superiority, etc are essentially pointless.

If there are those who throw their money away on audiophile grade speaker weighting sand, or magic sound enhancing crystals, then so be it.

The money spent will gradually be redistributed within the economic system and just may at some point be used to better and higher uses (of course there's always the chance it'll all be used or diverted to purchase more guns, bombs, etc).

I'm off to watch another mindless crime series on Netflix 😀
It's a strange characteristic of the fairytale world of hifi that so much is devoted to arguing over the noises eminating from a few bits of electronics strung together with bits of wire. As far as it goes for me, I know when it all sounds okay to me and when it doesn't - I've had equipment which just was awful, others which disappointed, and stuff I've probably just got used to. That's how it is. 99% of the disagreements, put-down & claims of superiority, etc are essentially pointless.

If there are those who throw their money away on audiophile grade speaker weighting sand, or magic sound enhancing crystals, then so be it.

The money spent will gradually be redistributed within the economic system and just may at some point be used to better and higher uses (of course there's always the chance it'll all be used or diverted to purchase more guns, bombs, etc).

I'm off to watch another mindless crime series on Netflix 😀

...we watched another episode of 'Reacher' for dinner on Prime today 😂
If you can you might want to try using an Ethernet connection, many seem to prefer it, I only use it so cannot compare.

I have also seen a lot of positive posts about the SMSL PO100 Pro DDC which sure seems to me it should not make much if any noticeable improvement but they love it, I might have to try one as well.

I generally prefer the least amount of circuits in my audio path as possible but willing to try things, up to a point.

Interested in what you have to say about the LPS when you get it as well.

Ok. Just received the SMSL PO100 Pro DDC. Oh boy.. seriously for me a huge upgrade. I think the most noticeable improvement is darker background (less noise maybe) as a result much more crispier and detailed sound of the instruments. Have been listening 3 hours straight after hooking it up into the chain with a big smile on my face, just wow! 🤯

As a reminder my setup now looks like this:

Wiim Ultra -> USB -> SMSL PO100 Pro -> Optical -> Geshelli J3 (Sparkos 2590 op amps and a dedicated LPS) -> RCA -> Musical Fidelity M3Si -> Buchardt P300

Sub: JL Audio D108

I don’t know the real science behind it, maybe the optical connection is isolating the noise much better compared to USB, or the reclocking is really a thing but definitely there is a big big improvement in my case. Hope this helps if someone is investigating this path. Cheers..)
What does crisper sound mean?
What does crisper sound mean?

I may sound propagating for snake oil, I myself used to be skeptical about all this kind of stuff, and I get you.) It is still early days of my audiophile journey, and just not long ago I used to think surely in the modern age with all these electronics, digitization and nanotechnologies we have figured how to reproduce perfect quality sound using relatively inexpensive and commonly used devices, like PCs and relatively decent bluetooth speakers. 😂 I used to believe much has to do with the quality of the source mp3 🫣 file, more megabytes = more quality.)

I was really surprised to find out that basically there has not been a change in the basic principles of sound reproduction since the beginning and we still use analogue signals which are very prone to electromagnetic interference. It means even a slight distortion inside the DAC which is then amplified many times from 1-2volts to 60 volts is no longer a small distortion. Sound is much much more complex than I used to think, and in general as I get older I now understand that the more we acquire knowledge, the more we understand how less we know about the world around, at least in my case…)

Sorry for the above intro..) Regarding your question. Crispier I mean there is less ambient noise in the background and as consequence you can hear much more details and separation. If you make an analogy with light in a dark room even the tiniest source of light can be detected compared to a brighter room.
much improved bass on my sub. I really don’t understand why since its still fed from the internal DAC of the Ultra, but I can clearly hear and feel this punching in my face )))
The most obvious difference between DACs is so very, very obvious, you might easily overlook it: output voltage.

This is not standardised to 2 Vrms for 0 dBFS, it's just usually something around 2 V, give or take. Now, if an external DAC has a slightly lower output voltage than the internal DAC, but you keep the subwoofer output (employing it's own, unchanged internal DAC) at the same level as before, then - rest assured - you will recognise a dramatically punchier bass than before. :)
The most obvious difference between DACs is so very, very obvious, you might easily overlook it: output voltage.

This is not standardised to 2 Vrms for 0 dBFS, it's just usually something around 2 V, give or take. Now, if an external DAC has a slightly lower output voltage than the internal DAC, but you keep the subwoofer output (employing it's own, unchanged internal DAC) at the same level as before, then - rest assured - you will recognise a dramatically punchier bass than before. :)

Well, a very logical explanation and that indeed very well might be the case...)

Also, I think an explanation could be in addition to yours, that in contrast to the more refined and improved frequencies above the crossover point (60hz), the bass from the sub could be perceived as an improvement... probably, but not insisting on it..))
We agree on something, probably quite a few things, just go off to a bad start so I hope we can get along now.

The best DAC I have ever owned was built 25 years ago and very expensive but what made it stand out was not only great circuit design and parts but also the 20 volt balanced line outputs, it was a ladder DAC with 118 SN and DB, back in those times that was amazing. It feed into Yamaha best studio grade, which were upgraded as well, analog 32 band graphic EQs then 20 volt balance out to the same grade crossover with the same level output. The amps I used were custom modified to handle higher voltage single ended inputs(wish they had balanced inputs) I forget but something like 6 or 8 volt inputs and each driver had its own amp channel and lots of power.

The result was incredible dynamics, snare drums about took your head off, attack and decay of a symbol sounded just like a real brass symbol.

I am trying my best to not use superlatives or other methods of describing it but it was better than any home audio I have ever heard, it was in a Tacoma pickup.

So, bottom line, more voltage out and through the system will result in higher dynamics and dynamic range thus just sound, better:)

I had misunderstood until now that your experience, subject, was car sound systems.

""my experience""

(There are certainly more suitable forums...)
I have been building nearly all my own home audio speakers since around 1964, rebuilt tube amps, DIY cables(low cost but great) since sometimes in the later 70's, did my first car audio install in 1968 and did very well in SQ competition many years later. I have built my own active and passiver crossovers and beaten champions with them. My experience is in home and car audio and though many might find this hard to believe it is easier in some respects to built a better system in a vehicle, the right one and with major time and effort better than any home system I have ever heard. The foundation is sound deadening, the next most important it treatment and driver alignment. I did not intend to get off on another round of "my experience" so will stop for now, it goes deeper than all I have said.

If interested I can post more, if not that is cool but please refrain from making a judgement call on something you might not have the same level experience another poster has had. Even if you might have car audio experience it might not be the same that has been at the top level in sound quality competition, not many have been done right but I have judged all the best from the past, up until I stopped competing that is but it pretty much died out by then.
