My experience with Wiim Ultra

OK, I have to realize some are so closed minded there is only one truth and they and their like are the only ones that know it and everyone else is wrong. I am alright with that stance excepting putting down of those that they disagree with and fall back on such statements as "a text book collection of rhetorical feints", talk about calling the kettle black.....

One truth or the other aspect they love to claim, the "scientific method" in their approach to such things when actual science is ignored by many scientist bent on protecting their status and income. True science knows no bounds, always exploring and learning about aspects of reality they did not understand before. One single human body is so far advanced beyond all modern science has ever accomplished yet it pales in comparison to the universe of things we still barely have a clue about. We are in the "dark ages" which came after things well before that we find all over the planet and still do not know how they were accomplished and they still are just the tip of the iceberg.
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I edited my last post, added a bit more.

"the one truth" is just a way saying of how some choose to not accept that others might have knowledge, experience, etc of something they are not be aware of or perhaps not able to comprehend and thus stick to their stand that they know everything there is to know about the subject being discussed. Very unscientific.
I edited my last post, added a bit more.

"the one truth" is just a way saying of how some choose to not accept that others might have knowledge, experience, etc of something they are not be aware of or perhaps not able to comprehend and thus stick to their stand that they know everything there is to know about the subject being discussed. Very unscientific.
You're doing it again, and I won't comment on your superiority any further. :)
I edited my last post, added a bit more.

"the one truth" is just a way saying of how some choose to not accept that others might have knowledge, experience, etc of something they are not be aware of or perhaps not able to comprehend and thus stick to their stand that they know everything there is to know about the subject being discussed. Very unscientific.
...already understood, you only allow your truth.
Describing oneself while pointing a finger at others?

Some are just plain ........ I don't know, some might say blind or def or both or at least ignorant of things beyond their apparent ability to comprehend and make observations based on little if anything substantive.

I for one have spent my lifetime learning new things and continue to do so and will never stop, no body knows it all, not all is known and likely never will be.

In fact, I regularly say "I know nothing!", I only believe certain things to be true so when more info becomes available I can adjust my understanding accordingly.

Instead of one liners, using cut and paste to try to make a point, but showing a locked down mindset, try stating something of value to the conversation.
Some are just plain ........ I don't know, some might say blind or def or both or at least ignorant of things beyond their apparent ability to comprehend and make observations based on little if anything substantive.
Some might be. You're surely not pointing your finger at anybody participating in this thread, are you? That would really be a very arrogant and unjustified accusation.

I for one am def not deaf.
alright lads... i think we should focus more on what unites us than what divides us in threads like this. let's be real - this is the WiiM forums, not some other random tribal corner of the internet that we've all experienced here and there. :LOL: what unites us all is the appreciation for products with a favourable price : erformance ratio. 🤔

so instead of trying to defend our preconceived ideas and let this thread descend into the usual defensive chains of comments - why not focus on the common ground, and try to have a constructive discussion about the aspects we disagree on?? 🙏
Thanks, you are absolutely correct:)

I much prefer to be helpful or being helped than play word games on a forum, especially ones that only go around in a circle, what a waste of time.

Thanks, you are absolutely correct:)

I much prefer to be helpful or being helped than play word games on a forum, especially ones that only go around in a circle, what a waste of time.

you hardly participate in this forum, except to expand on yourself, and you are addressing a person , harkpabst , who devotes considerable time and energy to helping and shedding light on many subjects.... astonishing...see completely "out of place"
I have a very full life outside of being on forums, I come to them to learn and to help when I can. I do not come here to be politically correct or earn adoration for what I post. When members help that is cool and I have seen some great posts from said member but when they start acting like those of us with a different way of seeing and or hearing things that we are wrong and they know all their is then I take exception to that. I am here to support those that the "know it all" types put down in various open of veiled derogatory ways. I have spent many decades learning how things actually work only to find I still need to learn more every day.

I am expanding on my experience, not on myself, anyone can learn from experience but unfortunately many spend little time learning, some have little time to learn, I hope to help those that could use it and not get bogged down by the dogma I see so often in audio forums, or many others.

You can see this however you wish, if those that own and run this forum do not like what I have to say then I will abide by their direction, not by some member that feels entitled just because they make a lot of posts, even if many are of good value, if they postulate things that are not exactly correct as if it is a law then I just might have something to say.

Have a great day:)
If this is your way of promising to stop postulating the sound quality of DACs without listing to them, because you know it all, then we have reached common ground. Devoting so much of your precious time for repetitive helpful comments is a very kind move.
I have listened to a lot of DACs, owned some dang fine ones, best was a high grade ladder DAC that was tested on the finest gear at an aerospace lab against the worlds best and of course budget DACS and then blind tested. The measurements were so close one could not pick from the top ones which would sound better. The one I brought took second place out of the DACs on hand, barely missing out on first place, easily besting all others and none of the lower cost DACs were close.

Have ever been involved in such a test conducted by engineers and audio professions and musicians?

Do you have a preference of which DAC chip you use?

Or have you ever heard the same chip but different supporting circuits and found a difference in sound quality or preference?

I have and know what I prefer without even listening to it, just knowing the circuit and parts used tells a great deal about how it will sound.

Even that said, I have read some reviews that say the V70 Velvet is a bit more forward, more like an ESS than expected from an AKM, I am OK with that as long as not to forward, harsh, sharp, etc......whatever terms one wants to use.

So again, I am posting from real world experience and the only things I have seen coming back is purely conjecture, maybe I missed something, if so please do point it out, if not then blowing as much smoke up others arses is all I am hearing.

Do you have a real answer to this conversation?

I did a bit looking at other threads and you do help others quite often, very commendable and appreciated:)
I do have to admit I am a bit stubborn but one thing I am not is set in my ways. I am open minded enough to realize things are not perceived the same for everyone, hearing, taste, smell, we are all different which is great, makes us more interesting and challenging to those that want us all to be just like them.
I have now read through every single one of your posts again to see if I was perhaps wrong in my first opinion... Maybe it's just your way that I can't cope with: Right at the beginning you make it clear what a great guy you are:

"It is called experience in audio for many decades and being a very high level tech for 20 years observing things that measurements alone could not explain, talking about super critical military hardware level. Those things and experience in using different levels of quality gear in high end audio comp builds, listening tests, having my systems listened to and or judged by people like highly a respected recording engineer, a symphony conductor and the original founder and her son at the oldest high end audio store in the country."

"...when I owned and ran a multi million dollar business..."

"Experience and I read and watch reviews, I know the DAC chip differences, the associated circuits, etc..."

"I have more I could say about my real world experiences, blind tests, etc....cannot go into detail about my years as a tech in the Military though, just have to leave as critical equipment..."

"I am not going to go over your close to 4k posts here, better things to do, care to enlighten me on your qualifications to back up what you are saying, or not?"

It may be that these few examples with further ramblings only nerves me, but I wonder what you want to achieve with your personal description? That nobody contradicts the “great, oh so experienced, master"? You have made ensured clear conditions already on the boardwalk?

From the moment you justified the sound quality of the “better” DAC with “experience and reading test reports”, mind you - without listening to it - you lost with me. You don't get that much respect from me just because of a description of yourself, you have to earn it in a forum... And believe me, I have no problem apologizing to you (after 2,000 posts in which your wisdom/assertions were confirmed) 😉