NAS Synology DS923+ Albuns

If room works I'd just stick with that until the ultra is certified.

Saves installing another service and what it brings.

I think it created 30mb PNG album art work file per folder. Or per file I can't remember.
I haven't tried, I think Roon wouldn't accept it, I would have to use another app. Is that correct?
I don't have Roon but I'm pretty sure it plays to UPnP renderers. I would think the Ultra would have shown up as both Chromecast and UPnP endpoints.

EDIT: Looks like it might be an extension.
Se o quarto funcionar, eu ficaria com isso até que o ultra seja certificado.

Salva a instalação de outro serviço e o que ele traz.

Acho que criou um arquivo de arte de álbum PNG de 30mb por pasta. Ou por arquivo, não consigo me lembrar.
From what I've seen, this is the best solution, even using the Wiim Ultra only through the App on the iPhone sent directly via Chromecast. The only thing I lose is the LCD display and the possibility of transmitting simultaneously in several locations.Imagem 2.jpg
I think you have to use Roon on a PC, so bit of a pain having that on, pity Roon isn't available as a Synology package and your NAS.
You can install LMS on several devices- PC, Mac, NAS, and raspberry Pi's.

For yours, you install Docker, than sideload LMS. I think you have to downgrade to older PERL as latest one doesn't work

LMS has the benefit of this, something the Synology DNLA service doesn't offer.

You could run a Windoze VM on the 923 and do whatever you need to from there. I upgraded mine to 64GB so I could run VMs and containers, works great.
With support for Plex(amp) coming too WiiM in the very near future, I'd highly suggest checking out their player for accessing music stored on your NAS! :)
With support for Plex(amp) coming too WiiM in the very near future, I'd highly suggest checking out their player for accessing music stored on your NAS! :)
Stop telling people PlexAmp as that hasn't been confirmed.
The roadmap shows that Plex integration is also coming to the Mini, if that were to be PlexAmp they'd likely need to remove existing services (Amazon etc) and I doubt that would happen. In addition, the Mini is already missing a slew of features so I don't see PlexAmp coming to it.

I'll be very happy if I'm proven wrong in August, although I'll likely never get a subscription to use it.

WiiM are already getting flak about the AirPlay debacle, let's not generate more by pushing what you want to see delivered.
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Stop telling people PlexAmp as that hasn't been confirmed.
The roadmap shows that Plex integration is also coming to the Mini, if that were to be PlexAmp they'd likely need to remove existing services (Amazon etc) and I doubt that would happen. In addition, the Mini is already missing a slew of features so I don't see PlexAmp coming to it.
I'll be very happy if I'm proven wrong in August, although I'll likely never get a subscription to use it.
Nobody here is talking about the Mini? I think it was already confirmed that's the one device that's never going to support it.

I'd be happy too if it comes in August, however they might be focussing on the Ultra a bit more than anticipated at the moment ;)
This was the most recent update we got:

Still doesn't take away from the fact that Plex(amp) & Roon are definitely worth checking compared to clumsy DLNA to access music stored on a NAS. You can already stream the audio through Airplay/Chromecast.
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Nobody here is talking about the Mini? I think it was already confirmed that's the one device that's never going to support it.
You might not be talking about the Mini but it's on the roadmap.

I've never seen PlexAmp confirmed, let alone any statement that it won't be coming to the Mini.
@WiiM Support
Please confirm what is coming regarding Plex integration. At this point any disappointment come August will be of your own making.
You're choosing to ignore it, ok.
Can't find the exact quote anymore, let's just find out...
In addition, the Mini is already missing a slew of features so I don't see PlexAmp coming to it.
... but it seems you're pretty confident we won't see it on the Mini as well? What's the point you're trying to make?

Let's just wait and see what comes instead of hijacking this thread. I just wanted to make a valid suggestion to OP who's using a NAS in combination with the Ultra, not a Mini.
Impressed with what they managed to do with a device like the WiiM Ultra.
I've been testing it for two days and everything is working as expected.
There are still a few things I haven't tested, like the Phono input, which I'm going to put together with a McIntosh 6800 and a Rega Planar 3 and see how this output behaves.
I'm anxiously awaiting the Roon certification.
Yesterday I formatted a 4TB HD and put in 4600 CDs that I've digitized in Flac. The WiiM read them correctly.
The only thing I noticed is that it joins the albums together, unlike the Roon, where I have the option of leaving them together or separate.
I think the App should have this option.
The USB loading part is fast, but it needs more advanced features. This isn't complicated to do and implement.
The LCD responds well. For a $329 device, it's a real bargain.
I don't need Airplay, but I know a lot of people use it. I have a Cambridge CXN V2 and I see that the loading is better on the WiiM on the external USB HD.
As for the quality between the two, I haven't done the test yet, I hope to do AB in the next few days.Imagem 1.jpeg
Hi simbun, Team

We're on track for Plex integration. The first version will be released for beta testing in mid-August. Stay tuned!
Hurray! Is it going to work as an integration in the WiiM Home app or will we be able to use the native Plex and Plexamp apps to stream to WiiM devices as endpoints?
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Hi simbun, Team

We're on track for Plex integration. The first version will be released for beta testing in mid-August. Stay tuned!
I think this question is difficult to answer, but is there any expectation for Roon certification? We know how slow and difficult Roon is to certify.