NAS Synology DS923+ Albuns

What is your Wiim device? The problem is related to using Roon when connected to a Synology and using Chromecast. Because the Wiim Ultra is not yet certified by Roon
I understand you are a Roon user so you want the convenience and feature richness it offers as soon as possible. However, it is clear that Roon certification is not completed yet and may take some time.

Wouldn't it be easier to simply go with the Synology Media Server or any other Media Server that installs directly on your NAS or with LMS running in a docker container (in that order) than to try and force Roon into something they probably do not support on purpose? If you could have full Roon fidelity over Chromecast to any Chromecast enabled device there was hardly a point in their certification program.

@rccarguy provided you with a number of hints and tips for either of the above options. It's just a temporary solution, so I know that I would put little work into the workaround.
What is your Wiim device? The problem is related to using Roon when connected to a Synology and using Chromecast. Because the Wiim Ultra is not yet certified by Roon
Understood. This is just using the WiiM Home app to find my Synology NAS, and play it's music share directly on the Ultra.
I had a Squeezebox on a DS1010+ for over 15 years, but time passed and I disabled it.
I got a little older and completely forgot about it. Now I bought a DS923+ NAS to run with Roon and I have a Cambridge CXN V2, and I bought this Wiim Ultra to put in another location.
I'm waiting for Roon to be certified for Wiim Ultra, but from what I've read, I think this certification will take at least 6 months, and until then I would like another solution.
I have a library of 4600 CDs, which I have all physically and digitized everything in FLAC. What I've noticed is that the way to install Squeezebox has changed a lot in the last 10 years. Or am I wrong?
Hi Abdo,

We are excited to announce that our WiiM Ultra has just passed the Roon Ready certification! We will be releasing an official firmware update next week to support this feature. Stay tuned for more details!

Warm Regards,
WiiM Support
Hi Abdo,

We are excited to announce that our WiiM Ultra has just passed the Roon Ready certification! We will be releasing an official firmware update next week to support this feature. Stay tuned for more details!

Warm Regards,
WiiM Support
What excellent news, I only expected this in at least 3 months, great work and congratulations to the Wiim team, I am delighted with the product, so much so that on my next trip to Miami I will buy 2 more ultras to spread throughout my house.