I don't have a subwoofer. If I repeat rc a number of times the results are quite similar. I will try narrowing the frequency range. I find it difficult to decide which is better. My manual adjustment is having an effect. This can easily heard listening to white noise and switching RC on and off.Some questions.
1. do you have a subwoofer? If so, what are the crossover frequency, Phase, etc. settings?
2. do you get the same results with multiple RCs?
3. what happens if you narrow the frequency range of the RC to just the bass and measure again?
4. after making manual adjustments, is the sound better than before?
It may be helpful to refer to the RC results posted on this forum by other members. My recollection is that I was under the impression that the WiiM RC did not adjust the bass very extremely well. Unfortunately, I'm an Android user so I haven't used the RC yet, so I am not familiar with the room correction accuracy of WiiM.
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