Test WIIM pro+ with different power supplies

You don't even know what are the files which I was talking about, so why answering with this?

I got response back from one of my hifi buddies:

Okay, Track A has more Lower End Bass output, but sounds a little vague.
Track B less Bass output, but better balanced sound ,stereo imaging etc.

Track A was supplied Wiim standard power supply
Track B was Temple Audio Supercaps.

....I think that we can hear a difference is a good enough test.
As I have shown with my listening to both your files and onlyoneme:s riddle ( I was 100 % correct pointing out the different powersupplies ! ) there is differences that CAN be heard. This has been shown in this thread.

I was responding to this where he talks about my tracks, which were stereo..........
Take a break dude.....
I was responding to this where he talks about my tracks, which were stereo..........
Take a break dude.....
You've responded to my post where I comment his impressions about stereo image in monaural content. Is it too difficult to understand?
Guys, please take a step back and a deep breath before commenting again on this topic.

This constant passive aggressive ping pong is stretching the group guidelines which ask that we ”Be kind and courteous: We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.”
longtherm listening results:
The LPS with lm317 sounds slightly better than the iPad charger when using the WiiM pro as a digital bridge. The difference is small. However, when I compare the stock supply with the LPS lm317 the difference is slightly bigger . So much that we now can be sure that the stock power supply can be improved.
Given the acrimony that these discussions around power supplies seem to encourage, I think it’s better expressed as ”in my opinion/ experience” rather than “we now can be sure” as others‘ experience and opinion may be wildly different ;)

Have a good Christmas and New Year, and keep enjoying the music :)
Great post, ”in my opinion/ experience”.

We all are a bit different and some quite different from each other as to how we perceive most things which is really hard to quantify because we are not inside someone else's head and cannot be. I believe there are those that cannot hear a difference, those that can, those that could be but have preconceived ideas that prevent them from doing so and those who just imagine it. If I left anybody out it is not intentional. I also believe there is a huge amount of "snake oil" in this industry and people pay crazy prices for things that might be incredibly good or they just want to believe it is and and or just show off. It is generally good for the economy for them to spend their money though so I say go for it:)

Great post, ”in my opinion/ experience”.

We all are a bit different and some quite different from each other as to how we perceive most things which is really hard to quantify because we are not inside someone else's head and cannot be. I believe there are those that cannot hear a difference, those that can, those that could be but have preconceived ideas that prevent them from doing so and those who just imagine it. If I left anybody out it is not intentional. I also believe there is a huge amount of "snake oil" in this industry and people pay crazy prices for things that might be incredibly good or they just want to believe it is and and or just show off. It is generally good for the economy for them to spend their money though so I say go for it:)

Agree with this, and would like to add the system you are listening to needs to have a certain sonic capability. If you are listening on something like this, you wont hear any difference! (IMO)

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I absolutely agree, I can barely stand to hear such systems, most of the time I just want to shoot them;) Also most commercial sound systems, I can't imagine working in such and environment, especially most of the "music" they play is just awful.
The evaluation of different LPS boards for WiiM pro continues. I pulled the plug for a lt1084 board with schottky diodes.:)
17 euro from audiophonics.
It can give slightly more current and has better specs than lm317 at 1A.
Im very happy with the sound from the lm317 board, but the regulator gets to hot to be longtherm safe.
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The evaluation of different LPS boards for WiiM pro continues. I pulled the plug for a lt1084 board with schottky diodes.:)
17 euro from audiophonics.
It can give slightly more current and has better specs than lm317 at 1A.
Im very happy with the sound from the lm317 board, but the regulator gets to hot to be longtherm safe.
Exciting , I have also pulled the plug / pressed the 'buy' button. Hearing how much the Wiim Pro is sensitive to different power supllies, I have bought a nice power cable for the LPS. Hopefully it will be an upgrade. I have to be patient, it still needs to be delivered and then burn in etc. To be continued.
"We all are a bit different and some quite different from each other as to how we perceive most things which is really hard to quantify because we are not inside someone else's head and cannot be. I believe there are those that cannot hear a difference, those that can, those that could be but have preconceived ideas that prevent them from doing so and those who just imagine it. If I left anybody out it is not intentional. I also believe there is a huge amount of "snake oil" in this industry and people pay crazy prices for things that might be incredibly good or they just want to believe it is and and or just show off. It is generally good for the economy for them to spend their money though so I say go for it:)"

Added to the above: Once past a certain point all good gear should really sound the same if indeed it was designed to be neutral but most is not, it is designed to be good and different which works for those willing to mix and match to get the sound they want, which might or might not be totally accurate but pleases them.


We can all choose to believe what we want to believe and some refuse to think otherwise so their opinion is all that matters to them. Making statements that are barely masked insults to support ones belief is not a nice thing to do. We humans have a great deal to learn, if we have open minds that is. Science is still in it's infancy and many "scientists" have pretty closed minds, sadly so. The universe is full of marvels we have yet to understand, not discover as they have always been there, we are just not evolved enough to comprehend it and some may never do so.
Guys, almost everything in this thread is subjective and individuals’ views of their own personal experience. We can choose to agree or not agree, but please refrain from making general definitive statements that only serve to rile others.
Purely subjective. I haven't seen any objective evidence backing this up, at all. Without measurements and / or verified DBTs, it's useless.
Here is the objective evidence. The electrical spdif output are slightly modulated by the mains 50 Hz If using the stock supply. This goes away If using a battery powerbank. I.e - the electrical spdif output on WiiM pro is good but not perfect. Using toslink ( which I dont ) on the WiiM this is not a measurable issue.

Is this audible ? - well, thats up to debate as we can see in this thread.
My Rega dac R has a spdif transformer on the digital input, isolating the dac from the digital transport. Regardless of this, I can hear small differences with different power supplies.
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And you can also hear stereo image differences in the monaural content.
As I said before, perform the blind test using one of the proper methodologies and verify first if you can really hear a difference.
This Serbian guy has good ears .
At 12:31, he is using a LPS and compares the sound as digital bridge with the eversolo dmp a6.

This Serbian guy has good ears .
At 12:31, he is using a LPS and compares the sound as digital bridge with the eversolo dmp a6.

I did post this a while on post #19

I have posted other comments, but looks like moderators are controlling what I post. Not really much point participating here........
I'm interested in the results of those doing testing with the Wiim products, both subjective and measurement based. Do you find a big difference between a good smps and a LPS with the Wiim pro?