Test WIIM pro+ with different power supplies

At what point does a higher switching frequency become less of an issue with our audio gear?
I want to install high CRI LED lighting in our RV and want to use PMW dimmers and from what I have found so far the higher the frequency the better for our health but also I am concerned about creating noise on the line feeding back to the power panel.
The Audiophonics 5V linear power supply (LPS) has arrived. Could not wait to hear what is would bring, using the digital output of the Wiim Pro into the DAC/HPA (headphone amp).
Note that I have been very happy with the Wiim Pro, but out of curiosity wanted to experiment if and how I could get even more quality out of it.

In chronological order:
1. Prepared to listen to a two non-familiar tracks in the set up as is, with the standard power supply. One track from a string quartet and one from Lost Frequencies with James Arthur.
2. Connected the USB cable to the back of the LPS and to the Wiim. Ahhhh.... distorted crackled noise coming out of my headphones.
3. Connected the USB cable to the front port of the LPS, what a relieve, no distortion anymore.
3. Listening with the new LPS to the same tracks made me wonder 🤔 if I was happy with the result. I heard more details, micro dynamics, lifted veil, sounds started and stopped faster, sounds came sometimes more out of nowhere and tapping along with my feet and more grip on deep bass notes in the track of 'Lost Frequencies'.
BUT, string instruments sounded more raw and this was not how I remembered the Borusan Quartet sounding live.
4. Back to the original standard power supply confirmed my previous findings, listened to some other unfamiliar tracks as well. Sounds were a bit rounded compared to the LPS, more polished, too much so, somewhat less details, less interesting.
5. Back to the the new LPS, same results as in 3 but still that unwanted rawness.
6. Finally I realized that I was not using the same socket of the power strip for this comparison, for the LPS I used a socket I have not used before. I plugged the power cable of the new LPS into the socket I have been using for the original PSU and voilà, I heard all the improvements as mentioned in 3, except for the added rawness. Can you imagine how relieved I am?

Do I want to go back to the standard PSU? I don't think so, will go back to the original PSU to do the same comparison tomorrow with two other unfamiliar tracks, however I think I already know the result 😉.

Yes, I am very biased, I don't do double blind tests because I don't believe in it, I am very much not objective, especially when listening to music, I like the emotions it brings me. I am sure it are the exact same digital bits coming out of the Wiim in both set-ups, yet I hear differences. Your miles may vary, that is fine.
The Audiophonics 5V linear power supply (LPS) has arrived. Could not wait to hear what is would bring, using the digital output of the Wiim Pro into the DAC/HPA (headphone amp).
Note that I have been very happy with the Wiim Pro, but out of curiosity wanted to experiment if and how I could get even more quality out of it.

In chronological order:
1. Prepared to listen to a two non-familiar tracks in the set up as is, with the standard power supply. One track from a string quartet and one from Lost Frequencies with James Arthur.
2. Connected the USB cable to the back of the LPS and to the Wiim. Ahhhh.... distorted crackled noise coming out of my headphones.
3. Connected the USB cable to the front port of the LPS, what a relieve, no distortion anymore.
3. Listening with the new LPS to the same tracks made me wonder 🤔 if I was happy with the result. I heard more details, micro dynamics, lifted veil, sounds started and stopped faster, sounds came sometimes more out of nowhere and tapping along with my feet and more grip on deep bass notes in the track of 'Lost Frequencies'.
BUT, string instruments sounded more raw and this was not how I remembered the Borusan Quartet sounding live.
4. Back to the original standard power supply confirmed my previous findings, listened to some other unfamiliar tracks as well. Sounds were a bit rounded compared to the LPS, more polished, too much so, somewhat less details, less interesting.
5. Back to the the new LPS, same results as in 3 but still that unwanted rawness.
6. Finally I realized that I was not using the same socket of the power strip for this comparison, for the LPS I used a socket I have not used before. I plugged the power cable of the new LPS into the socket I have been using for the original PSU and voilà, I heard all the improvements as mentioned in 3, except for the added rawness. Can you imagine how relieved I am?

Do I want to go back to the standard PSU? I don't think so, will go back to the original PSU to do the same comparison tomorrow with two other unfamiliar tracks, however I think I already know the result 😉.

Yes, I am very biased, I don't do double blind tests because I don't believe in it, I am very much not objective, especially when listening to music, I like the emotions it brings me. I am sure it are the exact same digital bits coming out of the Wiim in both set-ups, yet I hear differences. Your miles may vary, that is fine.

I don't think there will be any difference when using digital out. Granted it's not like PC SATA with 100% accuracy with error checking, as jitter can exist on coaxial/optical etc

I could see differences in when using analogue section of the pro plus. Compared good quality smps and linear PSU.

Problem is usb chargers vary in quality that's why disappointed pro plus and topping dac relies on smps.

Maybe getting topping PSU probably worthwhile, if it can power pro plus and e50...
The Audiophonics 5V linear power supply (LPS) has arrived. Could not wait to hear what is would bring, using the digital output of the Wiim Pro into the DAC/HPA (headphone amp).
Note that I have been very happy with the Wiim Pro, but out of curiosity wanted to experiment if and how I could get even more quality out of it.

In chronological order:
1. Prepared to listen to a two non-familiar tracks in the set up as is, with the standard power supply. One track from a string quartet and one from Lost Frequencies with James Arthur.
2. Connected the USB cable to the back of the LPS and to the Wiim. Ahhhh.... distorted crackled noise coming out of my headphones.
3. Connected the USB cable to the front port of the LPS, what a relieve, no distortion anymore.
3. Listening with the new LPS to the same tracks made me wonder 🤔 if I was happy with the result. I heard more details, micro dynamics, lifted veil, sounds started and stopped faster, sounds came sometimes more out of nowhere and tapping along with my feet and more grip on deep bass notes in the track of 'Lost Frequencies'.
BUT, string instruments sounded more raw and this was not how I remembered the Borusan Quartet sounding live.
4. Back to the original standard power supply confirmed my previous findings, listened to some other unfamiliar tracks as well. Sounds were a bit rounded compared to the LPS, more polished, too much so, somewhat less details, less interesting.
5. Back to the the new LPS, same results as in 3 but still that unwanted rawness.
6. Finally I realized that I was not using the same socket of the power strip for this comparison, for the LPS I used a socket I have not used before. I plugged the power cable of the new LPS into the socket I have been using for the original PSU and voilà, I heard all the improvements as mentioned in 3, except for the added rawness. Can you imagine how relieved I am?

Do I want to go back to the standard PSU? I don't think so, will go back to the original PSU to do the same comparison tomorrow with two other unfamiliar tracks, however I think I already know the result 😉.

Yes, I am very biased, I don't do double blind tests because I don't believe in it, I am very much not objective, especially when listening to music, I like the emotions it brings me. I am sure it are the exact same digital bits coming out of the Wiim in both set-ups, yet I hear differences. Your miles may vary, that is fine.
I never listen on headphone, but for me listening thru speakers, a good power supply adds depth to the soundstage, making a flat 2 dimensional constricted soundstage expand to 3D with more space between instruments and more definition.
If harshness and glare was present beforehand, this diminishes or disappears. Darker backgrounds and greater dynamics are also par for the course.
Choosing between power supplies, they will all lift the sound compared to cheap wall-wart, but my main go-to's are the Temple Audio supercharged capacitor power supplies, which give solidity and authority to the sound.

For those that may doubt whether I can hear these changes, I broke my ears in with vinyl, way before digital ever existed....so I know how a belt drive turntable differs from a direct drive and an idler drive. I also know how a MM cartridge differs from a an MC cartridge, and how a spherical stylus differs from and elliptical, paratrace or shibata profile. So I can tell the difference in the analogue world, changing the powers supply to a trained ear in the digital world is no contest.


I certainly believe you can hear very well if you can define so many different parameters, well experienced ears you seem to have:)

Some believe it is just ones and zeros and others believe it is more than that. Noise is noise and can effect anything and everything it can no matter what we believe and not all things we can hear can be measured, proven to an incredible degree as well as we may all hear things a bit differently than each other or at least groups of others at a minimum, how can we really tell? We can't. Some cannot hear a difference because they simple cannot do so, some cannot because they believe they cannot do so. Some may believe they hear a difference but only think they can, some may hear a difference and know they do. Then what is the difference and is it pleasing to those that can hear it? There simply is no rule that covers all of this, only bias if one is not open minded to possibilities beyond their personal experience and beliefs. It is OK for others to have a different experience than you do, as it should be, it is part of the grand adventure of being human.

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Guys, this always a very polarising topic (no pun intended), but let’s stick to the forum rules viz.

Be kind and courteous
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Guys, this always a very polarising topic (no pun intended), but let’s stick to the forum rules viz.

Be kind and courteous
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
I have a great respect to Napoleon Bonaparte. And I truly believe he has his own believers. I don't think that they are worse than believers in ones and zeros or believers in something more.
BTW I really wanted to find out what are these things which we can hear but we cannot measure.
I have a great respect to Napoleon Bonaparte. And I truly believe he has his own believers. I don't think that they are worse than believers in ones and zeros or believers in something more.
BTW I really wanted to find out what are these things which we can hear but we cannot measure.
Seems like my post has been cancelled....but it was respectful.
Let me ask you, as a reference, can you hear the difference between an MP3 file & a wav file....same track, same volume, same system.
It would also be helpful to know if you have a vinyl record collection?
Seems like my post has been cancelled....but it was respectful.
Let me ask you, as a reference, can you hear the difference between an MP3 file & a wav file....same track, same volume, same system.
It would also be helpful to know if you have a vinyl record collection?
In a non blind test? Of course I can hear the difference, even if there would be no difference in fact. Take the mp3 file, convert it to a wav and look for differences.
I have some collections but vinyls are not among them.
Seems like my post has been cancelled....but it was respectful.
It was, but it quoted and referred to a cancelled post - I prefer to remind members of the rules and remove comments relating to such a post as it’s no longer visible. It’s tidier and hopefully calms things down :)
In a non blind test? Of course I can hear the difference, even if there would be no difference in fact. Take the mp3 file, convert it to a wav and look for differences.
I have some collections but vinyls are not among them.
Seems like a non-answer that makes no sense. The fact that you have no vinyl records is telling.
Lets take another example. Gustard make 3 DACs designated the X26, R26 and A26. They measure similarly, yet all sound different.....or are you of the opinion this is all fantasy?
It was, but it quoted and referred to a cancelled post - I prefer to remind members of the rules and remove comments relating to such a post as it’s no longer visible. It’s tidier and hopefully calms things down :)
I guess the original post I responded to was cancelled because it alluded to people hearing non-measurable differences being mentally challenged. These sort of comments have no business here, or on any forum. Kudos to removing the post.
What exactly makes no sense to you? I will gladly explain. Perhaps the fact that the wav converted from the mp3 will sound the same as the source?

Converting MP3 to flac, alac or wave won't sound the same as the original CD.
The fact that you have no vinyl records is telling.

Is it somehow important? Being a vinyl collector makes a crucial difference here?

Gustard make 3 DACs designated the X26, R26 and A26. They measure similarly, yet all sound different.....or are you of the opinion this is all fantasy?

An answer is quite simple - if there is a proven audible difference yet no difference in measurements then something important was not measured.
What exactly makes no sense to you? I will gladly explain. Perhaps the fact that the wav converted from the mp3 will sound the same as the source?
What makes no sense to me is you cannot give a straight answer to the question if you can hear the difference between an MP3 file & a Wav file when in fact the difference is plainly obvious to any audiophile.
I see you evaded the Gustard question.