Test WIIM pro+ with different power supplies

to avoid in any case, and even on a quick listen.. ...it's the b... for me ;-)
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In all these cases single channel - left one if I remember correctly - was taken directly from the Pro Plus analog output, and converted into digital form using my ADC.

Source file is here:

In all these cases single channel - left one if I remember correctly - was taken directly from the Pro Plus analog output, and converted into digital form using my ADC.

Source file is here:

(my question is for "musician"... )

we're going to say that it's "for the Christmas holidays"..... ;-)
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Try to find Sbooster and Nirvana first.
I liked nr 1 as most musical but a little less dynamic, nr 3 as most dynamic but also slightly unmusical. Nr 2 was somewhere in between .

I would say :

1. Sbooster
2. Nirvana
3. WiiM stock supply (?)
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I liked nr 1 as most musical but a little less dynamic, nr 3 as most dynamic but also slightly unmusical. Nr 2 was somewhere in between .

I would say :

1. Sbooster
2. Nirvana
3. WiiM stock supply (?)
Correct, although I would vote for such order even without any listening tests ;)
Did you try to listen using ABX comparator or similar tool?
No I didnt
Just test yourself and your ears. Foobar2000 has built-in ABX comparator for example.
If you feel comfortable already with such riddles, I can prepare second set of samples, this time with the forth element to make it bit more complicated.
Just test yourself and your ears. Foobar2000 has built-in ABX comparator for example.
If you feel comfortable already with such riddles, I can prepare second set of samples, this time with the forth element to make it bit more complicated.
Im happy to have had 100% correct listening results on this test , so - no thank you :giggle:;)

I guess the differences had been even bigger with stereo material and higher quality .
FWIW, my collection of about 1,000 jazz LPs sits unused, as the vast superiority of digital reproduction is quite clear to these ears. I’ve been meaning to sell it off, but I’m too busy ( or too lazy).
I know someone with an incinerator if you need any assistance in the disposal of said LP’s. 😉
Im happy to have had 100% correct listening results on this test , so - no thank you :giggle:;)

I guess the differences had been even bigger with stereo material and higher quality .
Congratulations Musician! You certainly have very discerning ears!
I downloaded the files and played through my system. Only thing I sussed was the files were in Mono, but I could not tell them apart, mainly because the files and material were of such low quality the information was not there to allow me to make a judgement.
If this is the kind of quality the ASR guys are listening to, I have to agree with them. I cannot tell the difference between a crappy SMPS power supply and a proper linear one.

Thank you onlyoneme for taking the trouble in posting the test. To me it was a real revelation......
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Thank you for sharing, that is a very good sign, could it be that by listening differences can still be heard?
I am not here wanting to convince anybody of my ways of listening and testing. It's just that I like more listening with my heart than with my brains.

Of course I would like to hear improvements, but as I did in my previous post, if I am not happy with a change, I will tell so.
I am using the digital output, both coax and optical of the WIIM Pro, to see if I hear the same differences between the standard power supply and my new linear power supply. The digital signal goes into the Topping DX9 (not DX90 as I wrote somewhere by mistake). The DX9 is driving the very transparant HD800.

Used the same volume setting for all tracks, I have selected 6 unfamiliar tracks, 2 of these tracks are acoustic by artists I have both heard live several times:
Cuarteto Casals - on Qobuz and
Benjamin Appl - on Qobuz .

With the LPS I noticed the same tonality, but I get more involved, more experiencing the music. With the standard SMPS it is a bit flatter, less 3D, less euphoria for example with 'Boris Brejcha - Vienna', on Qobuz .

To me this is a no brainer, I'd like get more listening pleasure 🎶 and the new LPS gives me that.

If you are in my neighbourhood (Amsterdam NL) and you want to hear for yourself if there are differences to be heard / felt, sent me a PM to see if we can meet. We are all unique, so it can very well be that your findings are different and that is fine and interesting.

edit type: heated -> heard
Hi Rudi, Which LPS did you use?
Hi Rudi, Which LPS did you use?
Using this one:
AUDIOPHONICS LPSU25 Linear Regulated Low Noise Power Supply USB 220V to 5V 2A 25VA .
It is actually for 220 to 240 VAC input, they also make a 115VAC version.
Yesterday I have listened to music for over 12 hours, no listening fatigue at all, if it wasn't way past bedtime, I could have continued, such a joy.

However it makes me think; I might buy an IFI PowerX to compare it with the LPS, might be even better. And if worse, it will be of good use for something else in my system. Hans Beekhuyzen mentioned in one of his videos that for digital equipment a good SMPS is often a better solution.


edit typos: me -> be , Beekhuizen -> Beekhuyzen
Using this one:
AUDIOPHONICS LPSU25 Linear Regulated Low Noise Power Supply USB 220V to 5V 2A 25VA .
It is actually for 220 to 240 VAC input, they also make a 115VAC version.
Yesterday I have listened to music for over 12 hours, no listening fatigue at all, if it wasn't way past bedtime, I could have continued, such a joy.

However it makes me think; I might buy an IFI PowerX to compare it with the LPS, might be even better. And if worse, it will be of good use for something else in my system. Hans Beekhuyzen mentioned in one of his videos that for digital equipment a good SMPS is often a better solution.


edit typos: me -> be , Beekhuizen -> Beekhuyzen
Dank voor je snelle reactie Rudi. Gr,Frans