The competition doesn't sleep

The Bluesound Icon looks nice. 5 inch screen, AirPlay, most likely Idagio support, Dirac. Will keep an eye on it. Thought I‘d wait for a revised Ultra with AirPlay, but a 5 inch screen is tempting.
300 smackeroos for a plastic box which the Wiim mini can better? Move on 😁
Negative. The wiim mini isn’t even in the same ballpark as the node nano. Tbh, none of the wiim products are. The only reason a person would choose even the ultra over the nano, would be for having one device that just does everything ok. I personally don’t like my analog input being redigitized and ran through the wiim’s dac. That’s already a no go. I’ve tried all the wiims except the pro plus, and the nano is just better. I use the nano usb out to a Topping E70Velvet and coax to a mojo 2. I can also attest to the fact that the optical out sounds great too, the mini can’t hang with it in any universe. I was a wiim guy, but the nano has given me what the wiim’s just never managed to deliver.
Negative. The wiim mini isn’t even in the same ballpark as the node nano. Tbh, none of the wiim products are. The only reason a person would choose even the ultra over the nano, would be for having one device that just does everything ok. I personally don’t like my analog input being redigitized and ran through the wiim’s dac. That’s already a no go. I’ve tried all the wiims except the pro plus, and the nano is just better. I use the nano usb out to a Topping E70Velvet and coax to a mojo 2. I can also attest to the fact that the optical out sounds great too, the mini can’t hang with it in any universe. I was a wiim guy, but the nano has given me what the wiim’s just never managed to deliver.
Can you cast Amazon Music bit perfect up to 24/192 from the Amazon Music app to the nano? I guess it’s nah, no ;)
I don't think you can cast anything to the nano. Does it have chromecast? - it's just overpriced for what it does.
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Can you cast Amazon Music bit perfect up to 24/192 from the Amazon Music app to the nano? I guess it’s nah, no ;)
The nano has Amazon music. Also has Alexa. I do t use it, so I can’t speak on how well it does or doesn’t work. I thought Amazon sounded pretty good when I tried the 90 day trial, but the user interface was horrible. I use Tidal and sometimes Qobuz(got a 60 day free trial with the Chord Mojo 2)on the nano. I plan on running them through Audirvana when I get around to it, if I keep Audirvana. I mean, if your wiim mini makes you happy, that’s all that really matters in the end. Just like the Node Nano has finally gave me the streamer that makes me happy 😉. For the time being, my entire system is finally finished. Now I’m just tweaking things like cables and power supplies. But I’m pretty much finished with that as well. The Nano was a very pleasant surprise. I’m honestly surprised just how much I love it. Maybe the low expectations are the driving force behind just how impressed I am. But I know this, I have since sold my wiim mini and wiim pro, and sent the ultra back to Amazon. Results may vary, but I sure love what it did in my system!
Can you cast Amazon Music bit perfect up to 24/192 from the Amazon Music app to the nano? I guess it’s nah, no ;)
Also, I have had a Chromebook sitting around for a few months collecting dust. But have found that through the BluOS Controller app, I can cast bit perfect from the nano to my dac. That’s pretty damn cool. First way I’ve gotten anything bit perfect from that Chromebook.
The nano has Amazon music. Also has Alexa. I do t use it, so I can’t speak on how well it does or doesn’t work. I thought Amazon sounded pretty good when I tried the 90 day trial, but the user interface was horrible. I use Tidal and sometimes Qobuz(got a 60 day free trial with the Chord Mojo 2)on the nano. I plan on running them through Audirvana when I get around to it, if I keep Audirvana. I mean, if your wiim mini makes you happy, that’s all that really matters in the end. Just like the Node Nano has finally gave me the streamer that makes me happy 😉. For the time being, my entire system is finally finished. Now I’m just tweaking things like cables and power supplies. But I’m pretty much finished with that as well. The Nano was a very pleasant surprise. I’m honestly surprised just how much I love it. Maybe the low expectations are the driving force behind just how impressed I am. But I know this, I have since sold my wiim mini and wiim pro, and sent the ultra back to Amazon. Results may vary, but I sure love what it did in my system!
Check out this for power and cabling 😋
I personally don’t like my analog input being redigitized and ran through the wiim’s dac. That’s already a no go. I’ve tried all the wiims except the pro plus, and the nano is just better. I use the nano usb out to a Topping E70Velvet and coax to a mojo 2. I can also attest to the fact that the optical out sounds great too, the mini can’t hang with it in any universe. I was a wiim guy, but the nano has given me what the wiim’s just never managed to deliver.
Does Nano have any analog inputs at all? I think not...
Did you happen to a/b test Nano Vs. any streamer from WiiM with any of your external dacs? If yes, what were your impressions of the differences?
Does Nano have any analog inputs at all? I think not...
Did you happen to a/b test Nano Vs. any streamer from WiiM with any of your external dacs? If yes, what were your impressions of the differences?
I don’t want analog inputs. I have those where I need them. I’ll definitely pass on analog inputs that aren’t analog too. I personally found it to sound way better than the mini, pro, and ultra. Never tried a pro plus. We all have different uses and needs for these things, we all have preferences we can and can’t do without. I don’t think wiim makes bad products. For me, since I have a TT and CD transport, I’d rather use a true phono preamp, I have a IFI Zen Phono. That feeds to my Schiit Sys. The other input is for my Mojo 2. That outputs to the rca of my Topping A70pro. I have the nano going usb to the E70pro Velvet(coax to mojo 2 sometimes because it’s awesome lol), which is also being fed coax from my Cayin CD Transport, and the Velvet is going XLR to the A70pro. I use Hifiman Arya Stealth cans. I use the A70pro outputs to powered speakers. So in my case, the blue sound is easily the winner. I don’t want any of those analog signals being digitized and ran through an inferior dac chip for one. The Ultra is still a nice piece of kit for the right person. For me it would be a big brick with one or two cables coming out the back. That’s what the wiim pro was for the last year. Also, the dac in the nano is actually decent, if anything happens to my others it’s nice to know there’s something there that will sound great in a pinch. There seems to be a lot of people making assumptions about the nano on this thread that haven’t even used it. I can’t say enough how happy I am with it. I wasn’t expecting it to be something I’d even bother defending in a thread, I know that haha!
I don’t want analog inputs. I have those where I need them. I’ll definitely pass on analog inputs that aren’t analog too. I personally found it to sound way better than the mini, pro, and ultra. Never tried a pro plus. We all have different uses and needs for these things, we all have preferences we can and can’t do without. I don’t think wiim makes bad products. For me, since I have a TT and CD transport, I’d rather use a true phono preamp, I have a IFI Zen Phono. That feeds to my Schiit Sys. The other input is for my Mojo 2. That outputs to the rca of my Topping A70pro. I have the nano going usb to the E70pro Velvet(coax to mojo 2 sometimes because it’s awesome lol), which is also being fed coax from my Cayin CD Transport, and the Velvet is going XLR to the A70pro. I use Hifiman Arya Stealth cans. I use the A70pro outputs to powered speakers. So in my case, the blue sound is easily the winner. I don’t want any of those analog signals being digitized and ran through an inferior dac chip for one. The Ultra is still a nice piece of kit for the right person. For me it would be a big brick with one or two cables coming out the back. That’s what the wiim pro was for the last year. Also, the dac in the nano is actually decent, if anything happens to my others it’s nice to know there’s something there that will sound great in a pinch. There seems to be a lot of people making assumptions about the nano on this thread that haven’t even used it. I can’t say enough how happy I am with it. I wasn’t expecting it to be something I’d even bother defending in a thread, I know that haha!
👍 Its hard to say here anything FOR another device what the fans do not understand as an AGAINST for any WiiM.
And the Nano indeeds sounds a lot better than the Pro Plus, but you will only read things like "How can you prove it?" For me always "I like it" is enough. And horses for courses, I want a streamer, no pre amp. And alone thinking of a device what digitizes signals of my cartridges makes me akne 😂
End of the day glad you are happy with your new device as I am with my ultra 👍
I don’t want analog inputs. I have those where I need them. I’ll definitely pass on analog inputs that aren’t analog too. I personally found it to sound way better than the mini, pro, and ultra. Never tried a pro plus. We all have different uses and needs for these things, we all have preferences we can and can’t do without. I don’t think wiim makes bad products. For me, since I have a TT and CD transport, I’d rather use a true phono preamp, I have a IFI Zen Phono. That feeds to my Schiit Sys. The other input is for my Mojo 2. That outputs to the rca of my Topping A70pro. I have the nano going usb to the E70pro Velvet(coax to mojo 2 sometimes because it’s awesome lol), which is also being fed coax from my Cayin CD Transport, and the Velvet is going XLR to the A70pro. I use Hifiman Arya Stealth cans. I use the A70pro outputs to powered speakers. So in my case, the blue sound is easily the winner. I don’t want any of those analog signals being digitized and ran through an inferior dac chip for one. The Ultra is still a nice piece of kit for the right person. For me it would be a big brick with one or two cables coming out the back. That’s what the wiim pro was for the last year. Also, the dac in the nano is actually decent, if anything happens to my others it’s nice to know there’s something there that will sound great in a pinch. There seems to be a lot of people making assumptions about the nano on this thread that haven’t even used it. I can’t say enough how happy I am with it. I wasn’t expecting it to be something I’d even bother defending in a thread, I know that haha!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question(s).
Obviously, everybody's mileage varies, depending on their particular sound tastes.
There's no doubt that Bluesound pieces are better built than most of the WiiM's devices, they feel less plastic at least.
Features-wise, the Ultra is a clear winner - you'd have to spend considerably more money for a comparable feature set in a device from any other manufacturer.
Didn't listen to the Nano, it's not yet available in my country. Hope I will have a chance soon.
Negative. The wiim mini isn’t even in the same ballpark as the node nano. Tbh, none of the wiim products are. The only reason a person would choose even the ultra over the nano, would be for having one device that just does everything ok. I personally don’t like my analog input being redigitized and ran through the wiim’s dac. That’s already a no go. I’ve tried all the wiims except the pro plus, and the nano is just better. I use the nano usb out to a Topping E70Velvet and coax to a mojo 2. I can also attest to the fact that the optical out sounds great too, the mini can’t hang with it in any universe. I was a wiim guy, but the nano has given me what the wiim’s just never managed to deliver.

Have you compared the Nano to the Ultra, both connected via USB to an external DAC? It would be interesting to hear your impressions about that?

The Nano supports Airplay 2, but does it support Chromecast and to what quality level? I looked at the Bluesound site and there’s no info on that. I suppose it supports Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect.
Have you compared the Nano to the Ultra, both connected via USB to an external DAC? It would be interesting to hear your impressions about that?

The Nano supports Airplay 2, but does it support Chromecast and to what quality level? I looked at the Bluesound site and there’s no info on that. I suppose it supports Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect.
Airplay yes, CC no. Spotify and Tidal Connect. I've posted the available services before

Post in thread 'What are you listening to?'
While I know that new Nodes have been the "spark" for this thread, I would like to ask what about other competition? What can we consider as realistic competition to WiiM products, especially the WiiM Ultra?
I've recently purchased an Arylic S10+. Paid 53 EUR for it. I think it gave WiiM Mini a very serious run for it's money.
Are there any other competitive products running against WiiM products?
While I know that new Nodes have been the "spark" for this thread, I would like to ask what about other competition? What can we consider as realistic competition to WiiM products, especially the WiiM Ultra?
I've recently purchased an Arylic S10+. Paid 53 EUR for it. I think it gave WiiM Mini a very serious run for it's money.
Are there any other competitive products running against WiiM products?
Before WiiM entered the market, I switched from (Panasonic) Qualcomm AllPlay devices to Arylic. I have two S50 Pro+ and two S10. Arylic is in no way comparable to WiiM: Limited to 16bit/44.1, no gapless, no Tidal connect etc. (within the 4Stream app, “gapless” has been retrofitted on the software side, but there is no gapless when using other apps like HiFi-Cast, Bubble etc. After FW-updates there were often serious problems. Arylic had good and friendly support but is nowhere near as good as WiiM, at best they are still suitable for Spotify users.
Before WiiM entered the market, I switched from (Panasonic) Qualcomm AllPlay devices to Arylic. I have two S50 Pro+ and two S10. Arylic is in no way comparable to WiiM: Limited to 16bit/44.1, no gapless, no Tidal connect etc. (within the 4Stream app, “gapless” has been retrofitted on the software side, but there is no gapless when using other apps like HiFi-Cast, Bubble etc. After FW-updates there were often serious problems. Arylic had good and friendly support but is nowhere near as good as WiiM, at best they are still suitable for Spotify users.
As a WiiM Mini and S10+ user, I can't agree with you.
Yes, features are lacking on S10+, but the sound of the Mini and the S10+ are absolutely comparable, not to say identical, when using them through the same outboard dac.
I've had no issues with any of them and I don't mind the lack of 24/192 resolution.
I'm using both of them with the same WiiM Home app, I don't use the 4Stream app.
Apart from that, I find the S10+ to be a better value, since it has a USB port, LAN port and a remote.