The competition doesn't sleep

It's great if it works for you. The Arylics on the main music systems have been replaced by the WiiMs (Minis and Pro, with DACs from SMSL). The Arylics are now (rarely) used in the conservatory, kitchen, guest room, etc. (if so, then also using the WiiM app). They can't be bad in principle, as the technology comes from Linkplay. What annoyed me was the lack of connect functionality and, as a primarily album listener, the "no gapless".
I also had problems with the S50Pro+ after FW updates: they would no longer start/operate. Until we found out together in the Arylic forum that a different power supply unit had to be used temporarily so that a new update could be installed again, etc. In addition, one of the two S50s is accompanied by a switch-on and switch-off “crack”... Arylic now rarely in use. Absolutely happy with all WiiMs.
Glad yo hear you're happy with the WiiMs.

I'm using a Mini and also a WiiM Amp in another space. Fully happy with both of them, although the Mini gets less playtime these days.

I think I've heard of some issues with the 50+, but the S10+ was a novelty and for 53 EUR, I just couldn't pass up on it, so I've bought it just to try it. Turned out well so far.

Forgot to mention that Mini and the S10+ are both connected to the Atoll DA200 dac with optical cables.
The problem the competition seems to have is that while they make products that look fantastic, they're always feature limited compared to what my WiiM's offer me.

WiiM really should be killing it in the space compared to the competition.
The Arylic have actually dropped significantly in price since the WiiM was released and are certainly OK. For me, however, all the WiiMs I've in use have the better price/performance ratio. Above all, they worked as expected out-of-the-box from day one.
And remained inactive.
Reminds me of a German stand up comedian here in the UK who tells a story of him not speaking until he was four when he finally said that he didn't like his meal. When asked by his parents why it took him so long to speak, he replied "Up until now, everything has been satisfactory" 🤣🤣
Reminds me of a German stand up comedian here in the UK who tells a story of him not speaking until he was four when he finally said that he didn't like his meal. When asked by his parents why it took him so long to speak, he replied "Up until now, everything has been satisfactory" 🤣🤣
Henning Wehn?
Regarding the Nano, which is with me for a review for now nearly two weeks: There is no WiiM which can be compared. The rich feature set of the WiiMs (which made my Pros unusable for me at the end, the basics like Qobuz and Roon got worse with every single "update") and the prices are their USP at the moment and are hard to beat by any competition. The Nano is targeted on other clients. Most likely one who does not want to add an external DAC and is irritated (like me) with the getting more and more ridiculous number of features. It has no "room correction" (about which I've made my opinion clear more than once) or PEQ and and and.
And what follows now let me expect the usual headwind 😂 Compared to my long time running mate Pro Plus the Nano sounds more adult and complete.
But that is the last statement, I do not discuss my gear. If there are questions about usability and connectivity you are welcome. And: I am not on Bluesound's pay roll at all.
But I thought being most likely the only real runner here of the Nano gives me the competence to write my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️
How many presets are there.? Did you say there's no equalisation? Do the services show artwork when available (eg. Radio Paradise)?
Regarding Bluetooth, it offers aptX at the moment and other codecs will be available by announced updates. Did not check it yet, its on the timeline for next week. I let you know.
Yes, it has this outputs. Coax and optical.

View attachment 11465
Where is the HDMI in, the metal case, and the subwoofer out ? Isnt this streamer a bit overpriced ? ;)
Regarding Bluetooth, it offers Adaptive aptX at the moment and other codecs will be available by announced updates. Did not check it yet, its on the timeline for next week. I let you know.
Yes, it has this outputs. Coax and optical.
So, USB on Nano doesn't work as an output, or?
No PEQ and no plan for PEQ in the Nano? I was thinking about taking it for tests but my current conditions don't let me do that so I postponed it. For private use and my headphones setup the PEQ is mandatory.
I don't understand why anyone would use BT when streaming from a HD source?

Even with APTX-HD the quality is compromised.

I have a pair of B&W PX headphones and the difference between the USB connection and BT APTX-HD is very noticeable.

I use BT with my earbuds when out and about but never at home for music.
Not yet and I doubt it will come 🤷🏻‍♂️ so may be its for the clients who do not care. It is a easy to use device more targeted to the Sonos clientele than to the more high sound quality affiliated ones. As I wrote, feature wise there is hardly competition for the WiiMs. But for my experience a point was reached when I said: Why the hell more and more Kinkerlitzchen for others while my basics are stolen or got worse.
So it's probably very good device and I will test it sooner or later, but not for me personally. Requirements are not met.
That Fiio SR11 looks like good value but can it only use Air Play and Roon?

Do you know if Is there any intention to add direct access to Amazon, Tidal etc.?
Its kind of a job, but in this special case I like to do it.
Expecting very excited the FiiO SR11 for next week. This is "the machine" I waited for quite long. (My recent Streambox Ultra S2 performs perfect, but the price tag for this cigarette box is really ridicolous.)
A Roon bridge without a DAC and software. And with a price of 99 € no need for any Raspberry Pi tinkering or something like that.
Looks interesting but limited streaming protocols - only Rune & airplay. No chromecast or upnp. I've found fiio to be well made but software/firmware support is poor in my experience - nothing like Wiim. Be interested to read your experiences - it's certainly a good price!
Since last November, I'm using both Bluos an WiiM. They rely respectively on a Nad C3050LE mdc2 card (with Dirac) and a WiiM mini toslink connected to same amp.
First of all I can't ear any difference when streaming from the same service, through Bluos or WiiM, obviously they use the same amplifier dac.
Major disappointment for Bluos, came from installation and configuration, it was impossible with Android, its app didn't see the gear and with iOS only I can made it visible to Wi-Fi.
Then Bluos started to show instability, especially with much menu crawling, Bluos frequently freezes and removing mains is the only way to resume. WiiM never had a single problem in more than two years.
Other problems are with 88.2KHz music and Dirac on.
Bluos lacks Dlna and this is for me a big missing.
Controls, features and compatibility with things I care, are decisely better on WiiM and above all, responsiveness of Bluos support service is veeeery slow and fixes (rare) always led to even worst problems. Not to say the geological era it took to have Bluos compatibility with tidal's hi-res Flacs.
Nad and Bluos are related companies and it's never so clear what is the support service to involve and frequently the tickets are bounced from one to other. I would be curious to know if all those quirks are depending from my specific Nad platform or are more generally related to Bluos.
Said this, none of the original problems I encountered with Bluos, have been solved, ence actually I hardly could recommend Bluos vs WiiM. 😎
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