Ultra - Sub cuts out at low volume

So, you mean your sub is set to 250 Hz so it doesn't interfere with the Ultra's bass management? That's OK.

But your idea of adjusting the crossover frequency within the WiiM Home App based on whatever music you are playing is not going to work out. You cannot change just this single parameter and expect the sub integration to work well. Whenever you change the crossover frequency you will have to also re-adjust the delay, the level, the EQ.
Understand, or am understanding.. it's been fun figuring it out. I think I finally have it dialed in.
It's good but I got used to my headphone tubed amplifier, I have a heavily modified Darkvoice336 with some premium tubes. I do like the sound of the Wiim. It's with certain tracks I miss the vocal tone of some jazz artists. But for EDM. Banger. Wiim Ultra sounds great.
The most expensive gear on my system are the mono block each cost 10,000 each parasound halo jc1. These amps will drive any power hungry even low impedance down to 2 ohms. Why I spend that kind of money? Because I changes speakers here and there and don’t want amp would bottleneck their ability to perform. To my opinion, biggest impact on music is speakers quality and acoustics where you house them. Room treatment is also very important. Dacs and preamp provide sound upgrade but not as much as I described above. Now a days all the dacs comes out are transparent so going to ultra expensive dac just to get couple percentage improvement may not justify its cost or hear the improvement unless your ears are still on good shape. Your miles may vary.
The most expensive gear on my system are the mono block each cost 10,000 each parasound halo jc1. These amps will drive any power hungry even low impedance down to 2 ohms. Why I spend that kind of money? Because I changes speakers here and there and don’t want amp would bottleneck their ability to perform. To my opinion, biggest impact on music is speakers quality and acoustics where you house them. Room treatment is also very important. Dacs and preamp provide sound upgrade but not as much as I described above. Now a days all the dacs comes out are transparent so going to ultra expensive dac just to get couple percentage improvement may not justify its cost or hear the improvement unless your ears are still on good shape. Your miles may vary.
Says the guy with $20,000 in just the amps alone... 😂
Says the guy with $20,000 in just the amps alone... 😂
Remember what I told you? Hardcore audiophiles? Well, I’m one of them. You have the money you buy it. Of course some will argue he just wasted his money well money is not an object if you can afford it and want it.
Remember what I told you? Hardcore audiophiles? Well, I’m one of them. You have the money you buy it. Of course some will argue he just wasted his money well money is not an object if you can afford it and want it.
Appreciate ya man.
Remember what I told you? Hardcore audiophiles? Well, I’m one of them. You have the money you buy it. Of course some will argue he just wasted his money well money is not an object if you can afford it and want it.
Law of diminishing returns. But I bet it sounds wonderful. I would hope spending that kind of cheese you’ve investing in room treatments? Acoustic paneling? Those kinds of things. If you haven’t it would be like getting a new Ferrari with Chevy cobolt tires.
Law of diminishing returns. But I bet it sounds wonderful. I would hope spending that kind of cheese you’ve investing in room treatments? Acoustic paneling? Those kinds of things. If you haven’t it would be like getting a new Ferrari with Chevy cobolt tires.
The most expensive gear on my system are the mono block each cost 10,000 each parasound halo jc1. These amps will drive any power hungry even low impedance down to 2 ohms. Why I spend that kind of money? Because I changes speakers here and there and don’t want amp would bottleneck their ability to perform. To my opinion, biggest impact on music is speakers quality and acoustics where you house them. Room treatment is also very important. Dacs and preamp provide sound upgrade but not as much as I described above. Now a days all the dacs comes out are transparent so going to ultra expensive dac just to get couple percentage improvement may not justify its cost or hear the improvement unless your ears are still on good shape. Your miles may vary.
20,000 spent on amps to only listen to 5 songs seems a little extravagant.
Law of diminishing returns. But I bet it sounds wonderful. I would hope spending that kind of cheese you’ve investing in room treatments? Acoustic paneling? Those kinds of things. If you haven’t it would be like getting a new Ferrari with Chevy cobolt tires.
I already did on acoustic as I mentioned before. I agree with you with law of diminishing return. I even heard a speakers cost more than an expensive car yet it did not blow other lower price speakers out of the water. Higher price is pretty much bragging right with performance that’s not linear to the cost.
My point is that if you didn't set crossover over 125, but you boosted 125hz to wake up your sub, it won't work :)
Is that a setting I can adjust within the EQ or set automatically, I have to admit I didn't even know this thing did separate left and right channel EQ... amazing product.
20,000 spent on amps to only listen to 5 songs seems a little extravagant.
Yes indeed but if you have the money to burn why not. I don’t know about your financial but if you’re in my shoe you would probably do if you’re hardcore.
My Subwoofer turns off when listening low volume. It's frustrating. I have already changed gain in the app to +5 and lowered internal sub volume.

@WiiM Team Aren't you able to somehow increase the signal power when playing music so that the sub, which is set to auto, always turns on by itself? I don't want to resign from Auto Mode for my REL HT 1205Mk2.
My Subwoofer turns off when listening low volume. It's frustrating. I have already changed gain in the app to +5 and lowered internal sub volume.

@WiiM Team Aren't you able to somehow increase the signal power when playing music so that the sub, which is set to auto, always turns on by itself? I don't want to resign from Auto Mode for my REL HT 1205Mk2.
That sounds more like a sub issue than a WiiM issue.
That sounds more like a sub issue than a WiiM issue.
Why? I don't see why any party has to be blamed here... Apparently the REL company does it in such a way that the signal has to be strong enough, and the Wiim company makes it strong enough in their opinion. Only the transmitted signal can be manipulated, because REL only receives it, so the potentiall corrections are indicated on the Wiim side. I emphasize, there are no guilty parties here
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Why? I don't see why any party has to be blamed here... Apparently the REL company does it in such a way that the signal has to be strong enough, and the Wiim company makes it strong enough in their opinion. It's obvious that only the transmitted signal can be manipulated, because REL only receives it, so the potentiall corrections are indicated on the Wiim side. I emphasize, there are no guilty parties here
At low volume though the signal is low by definition. If that is below the cutoff for the sub the sub will turn off. If you increase the sub volume just to keep it on the bass will be boosted. I have my sub on a smart plug along with the amp.
I don't know much about electronics, but I thought it could be done in a way that the Wiim would send a signal unrelated to the volume of the music, just so the device would know to wake up 😅
I don't know much about electronics, but I thought it could be done in a way that the Wiim would send a signal unrelated to the volume of the music, just so the device would know to wake up 😅
No, it couldn't. :) .Not in a sensible way.

But you can easily set the volume level in the WiiM Home App to +10 dB and further decrease the volume on the sub.

Why would you ask for some miracle solution without trying the obvious one, first? ;)