WiiM Ultra

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Updated on 5/25/2024

Check out this fuller thread about our official announcement of the WiiM Ultra - https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/meet-wiim-ultra-the-digital-hub-for-your-music.3487/

Updated on 4/19/2024

Hi Team,

We're excited to give you a sneak peek at the WiiM Ultra, your future go-to digital hub for all things music! We're putting the final touches on this innovative product and are on track for a Q2 release. Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up for launch!


Original message by Brantome:
As mentioned in a user reply from the WiiM/Linkplay CEO on the WiiM Fan Page on Facebook, WiiM are developing a new device called the WiiM Ultra which will have a screen, aluminium case and USB audio output. It should be available Q2 2024, so a good five to six months away.

Guess @Smartplug is due a prize (e.g. I'll lay off gently ribbing them about their constant 'when' questions) as I think they first suggested that name a while ago ;):ROFLMAO:

That's the entirety of the information I have, but WiiM do say they'll release more details in due course.
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I'm gonna disagree, but on the other side if there is no place to argue then arguing is pointless anyway. And IMO you are overly moderating last days in the name of "peace loving Wiim users" :) Sometimes there are also battles to win.
I don't think he's over moderating, I think he's nipping it in the bud before the thread goes to hell again.
Just to make, in my eyes, an important one-off comment about the use of eccentric power cables.
I carefully watched Amir's video's and what struck me most was the comment that these types of cables have not been checked by an independent institute for safety. The CE marking says nothing at all about how safe the cable is when used.

Just imagine that you are electrocuted, that these cables cause a house fire... Will the manufacturer take the necessary steps to possibly take responsibility for a mal function?

Rules are of course different in all countries in connection with safety in use and for applications, but in my country full responsibility for use of unapproved cables falls on the end user.
Just to make, in my eyes, an important one-off comment about the use of eccentric power cables.
I carefully watched Amir's video's and what struck me most was the comment that these types of cables have not been checked by an independent institute for safety. The CE marking says nothing at all about how safe the cable is when used.

Just imagine that you are electrocuted, that these cables cause a house fire... Will the manufacturer take the necessary steps to possibly take responsibility for a mal function?

Rules are of course different in all countries in connection with safety in use and for applications, but in my country full responsibility for use of unapproved cables falls on the end user.
Yeah because any old cable shipped from China is surely TÜV approved. Just look at the logo. But if you spend a bit more on a decent power cable you are criminally irresponsible..
ASR is not a safe place for people who can actually hear differences between cables. The Ultra has a C7 connector so I would advise to get an audiophile grade power cable for it. That really helps with reducing RF noise.

You must be blessed with truly golden ears if you can hear RF... 🤣
I carefully watched Amir's video's and what struck me most was the comment that these types of cables have not been checked by an independent institute for safety. The CE marking says nothing at all about how safe the cable is when used.
It is true that the CE mark is not issued by any third party, it's a self-declaration by the manufacturer.

However, by using the CE mark the manufacturer does declare conformity with all related regulations. In practice, the problem is how to hold the manufacturer responsible if there is no local representative.

I trust in WiiM that the cable supplied with the Ultra will be fine. :) Take care of yourself with any other cable (although a pair of copper strands is not rocket science in my book).
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ASR is not a safe place for people who can actually hear differences between cables. The Ultra has a C7 connector so I would advise to get an audiophile grade power cable for it. That really helps with reducing RF noise.

What on earth does “…not a safe place…” mean in this context.

I’m more than happy for Brantome to ban all objectivist opinion. Obviously, as long as he simultaneously bans people making subjectivist claims. And, by necessity, that bans any question about sound quality, as if anyone asks (just as an example) “Does the Pro Plus sound better than the Pro?” the answer must, by definition, be either objectivist or subjectivist.

Back to the quote, I don’t believe these forums are either safe or unsafe for objectivists or subjectivists.

Stop trying to try to claim extra protection for your ‘side’ over the other.

As it is, Brantome does a great job balancing the two views and free speach.
Do we really need to ask the question, do we want a forum where someone can claim the Pro Plus sound worse than the Pro if you’re wearing purple underwear, and no one can challenge that, but where you’re not allowed to claim that having an SNR of 105dB will be audibly better than one of 10dB?

Really? Anyone want that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
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Do we really need to ask the question, do we want a forum where someone can claim the Pro Plus sound worse than the Pro if you’re wearing purple underwear, and no one can challenge that, but where you’re not allowed to claim that having an SNR of 105dB will be audibly better than one of 10dB?

Really? Anyone want that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
You better change your underwear I guess :ROFLMAO:
Do we really need to ask the question, do we want a forum where someone can claim the Pro Plus sound worse than the Pro if you’re wearing purple underwear, and no one can challenge that, but where you’re not allowed to claim that having an SNR of 105dB will be audibly better than one of 10dB?

Really? Anyone want that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Do we really need to ask rhetorical questions?

Let’s get back on the topic of the Ultra please…
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