WiiM Ultra

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Updated on 5/25/2024

Check out this fuller thread about our official announcement of the WiiM Ultra - https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/meet-wiim-ultra-the-digital-hub-for-your-music.3487/

Updated on 4/19/2024

Hi Team,

We're excited to give you a sneak peek at the WiiM Ultra, your future go-to digital hub for all things music! We're putting the final touches on this innovative product and are on track for a Q2 release. Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up for launch!


Original message by Brantome:
As mentioned in a user reply from the WiiM/Linkplay CEO on the WiiM Fan Page on Facebook, WiiM are developing a new device called the WiiM Ultra which will have a screen, aluminium case and USB audio output. It should be available Q2 2024, so a good five to six months away.

Guess @Smartplug is due a prize (e.g. I'll lay off gently ribbing them about their constant 'when' questions) as I think they first suggested that name a while ago ;):ROFLMAO:

That's the entirety of the information I have, but WiiM do say they'll release more details in due course.
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Question to you all

My current setup:
Speakers: Heco 700
Sub: REL HT 1205 MK2
Amp: NAD 356
DAC: Topping DX7 Pro

I connect PC to DAC via USB . DX7 Pro is perfect for that.

I would like to change DAC and AMP to Wiim ULTRA + 2x Fosi v3 mono, OR, just change DAC and buy Wiim Amp Pro. Whichever scenario I choose, there is no room for keeping DX7 Pro. I don't have a spece for both: DAC and Wiim device.

My question is how can i connect PC to Wimm devices? (Ultra or Amp Pro). Someone said that I can use adapter USB -> SPDIF. What are the cons of this idea? What about jitter, clock issues etc? With my DX7 Pro DAC, which is a GREAT DAC, I dont hear any noise / hum. Everything works perfectly. If I switch to some adapter to connect the devices, what sound degradation should I expect? I don't care about DSD files format. What I care is having windows sound / windows apps sound / PC games sound heard on Wiim, without a delay.

Any other ideas than USB -> SPDIF adapter?
Now also "available" for pre-order in Denmark for DKK 2.999 (roughly €400). No delivery date of course, but as I am certain that I will want the ULTRA for my TV/listening room setup (alongside 2 x Fosi V3 Monos) I am hitting that button. 🤠
If anyone would be interested in the measurement of Ultra DAC, it shouldn't be much different from Topping DX3 Pro+. After all, both use the same chip as long as I know.
It shouldn't, but having the same dac chip guarantees nothing.
Well. Not sure how much dramatic difference you are expecting. But dx3's measuremenet is still a good reference if anyone is wondering. Anyway, pro plus is alredy transparent and ultra will be too.
It shouldn't, but having the same dac chip guarantees nothing.
It seems that a number of hi fi manufacturs say the chip itself is nowhere near as important as how it's implemented and the quality of the analog stage.
Many here, and elsewhere, seem to bemoan the use of an 'old' ess chip 'cos it's not the latest and greatest though.
Guess we'll see / hear.
Must admit though, I didn't like the dx3 pro + very much, as a headphone amp.
Dac or analog stage....?
It's crazy how this word is now found in every corner of sentences.. "transparency" ""...
I don't know what everyone associates this word with...
but surprising when we know that these are just exchanges around simple measures harmonic distortions...
(in my language it's really not associated with that)....

can you just say low thd etc? an "l-thd"?.... etc but "transparency:?:rolleyes:
sinad at ***1KHZ***

(the plus v1 vs v2 was also a textbook case on the possible biases of this type of simplifying approach.. ;-)
schizo situation when we classify to the nearest 0.1db everything constantly saying that it's all useless.... it becomes a little laughable... no? ...but the sweeps are much more relevant .but it s not easy to classify...this mesureament if put forward is practically the least interesting of those currently practiced ""over there"".. ;-) )

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that's what I explained...
Well, not really. You literally said:
and more ironically he measured early versions which have since been known to pose problems and to have been modified in the meantime... too bad...
That sounds like Amir did not measure a mature version, but just early ones. But l don't want to continue on that topic since I cannot follow your reasoning for making things point anyway. Everybody is free.to pre-order a new device or not. If anyone wants to be amongst the first to receive a production sample, that's absolutely fine with me. Would it help in any way to wait for the Andrew Robinson review prior to placing an order?

precipitation is often damaging...
If I had just half an idea of what you are talking about I might also be able to maintain a certain second degree on myself. While unfortunately I cannot do that I can agree with you that WiiM will probably have an extensive beta testing phase with the Ultra to avoid the mishaps during the introduction of the Amp. :)

The definition of "transparent" is not based on measurements, where I live. It's rather the other way around. Certain measured values may indicate transparency.
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J'ai le sentiment que pour certaines personnes, « transparent » signifie obtenir une note « excellente » au test Sinad d'Amir, et c'est tout. J'aimerais me tromper.

Well, not really. You literally said:

That sounds like Amir did not measure a mature version, but just early ones. But l don't want to continue on that topic since I cannot follow your reasoning for making things point anyway. Everybody is free.to pre-order a new device or not. If anyone wants to be amongst the first to receive a production sample, that's absolutely fine with me. Would it help in any way to wait for the Andrew Robinson review prior to placing an order?

If I had just half an idea of what you are talking about I might also be able to maintain a certain second degree on myself. While unfortunately I cannot.do that I can agree with you that WiiM will probably have an extensive beta testing phase with the Ultra to avoid the mishaps during the introduction of the Amp. :)

The definition of "transparent" is not.bases on measurements, where I live. It's rather the other way around. Certain measured values may indicate transparency.
to put it simply...
the first batches of plus and more the amp posed a problem...so?

and some people who received them but who did these reviews quite late, they did so even though corrected versions had been on the market since seriously to more reactive reviewers who we can thank..
just that, my point
end for me
and some people who received them but who did these reviews quite late, they did so even though corrected versions had been on the market since seriously to more reactive reviewers who we can thank..
Amir did review the corrected version (although he had originally received a different one). That's my point.

@onlyoneme OTOH did explicitly review both versions independently, which is of much higher value, of course.
Amir did review the corrected version (although he had originally received a different one). That's my point.

@onlyoneme OTOH did explicitly review both versions independently, which is of much higher value, of course.
wiim plus ""v1"""" first batch end of july (tested december armim..but mods before in september)


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Do we really need to ask the question, do we want a forum where someone can claim the Pro Plus sound worse than the Pro if you’re wearing purple underwear, and no one can challenge that, but where you’re not allowed to claim that having an SNR of 105dB will be audibly better than one of 10dB?

Really? Anyone want that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

I always live the the rule of "how does it sound", if it sounds good, I can forgive imperfect measurements, but I do look at measurements when making a decision as to audio stuff to purchase.
Looking forward to the next iteration -- WiiM Ultra 2 -- hopefully with:
  • balanced L,R,Sub out via TRS or XLR
  • option for 4V and 5V operation (balanced out)

And USB out. Or even better IMHO -- as has been suggested multiple times -- would be a lean and mean streamer that is optimized for integration into current music systems as the digital-only intermediary between content sources and one or more DACs, Roon/LMS/etc-ready in the Ultra form factor with the pretty screen and all. With WiiM's superb development and tech support services backing it up. I'd purchase at least three of those on release day. And more as birthday/holiday gifts to others.
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