Beta Test: Room Correction for Android (Feature now publicly available)

So, I guess with the release the beta test is over?! Is this the thread to discuss the feature?

Is it normal, that, on measuring, first only a very high pitched sweep of the upper frequencies gets played and after that the full sweep?
I think the first sound is for timing and signals the beginning of the test.
Have the issues with the Dayton Audio iMM-6C been fixed? I feel my Samsung Galaxy's mic has issues, since I get an EQ with all heights removed.
I believe Team has purchased IMM-6C and is testing it. I sent a debugging ticket for them 2 days ago. Therefore I expect an update in the near future. 😄
(This is just my opinion.)
IMPORTANT NOTE!!! -- If you have a protective case for your phone, take it off before you run the room correction program. It made a dramatic difference for me. EDIT -- The first screenshot below is with the case on the phone. The second screenshot is with the case off.

room correction case on phone.png

room correction case off phone.png
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IMPORTANT NOTE!!! -- If you have a protective case for your phone, take it off before you run the room correction program. It made a dramatic difference for me.
yes! thanks for the reminder.
IMPORTANT NOTE!!! -- If you have a protective case for your phone, take it off before you run the room correction program. It made a dramatic difference for me.
Good catch! Didn't think about it.
Is there a recommendation for an external USB-microphone for Android?

I wouldn't get a microphone until wiim come out with official support.

For my use, UMIK1 support in the Ultra USB port, and copying the CAL file would be ideal.
I wouldn't get a microphone until wiim come out with official support.

For my use, UMIK1 support in the Ultra USB port, and copying the CAL file would be ideal.
Thanks for your answer. Then I'll wait for Wiim support, because at the moment the result of the RC seems a bit "arbitrary" to me on Android.
If you go back a couple of posts, I've added screenshots to my earlier post of the difference between running room correction with the case on the phone and with it off. Pretty dramatic difference!
If you go back a couple of posts, I've added screenshots to my earlier post of the difference between running room correction with the case on the phone and with it off. Pretty dramatic difference!
How many times did you repeat the measurements? The second one with no case looks suspiciously smooth.
Fair enough. I have never seen a correction curve with no obvious dips or peaks though.

The curve above with the case off was with the drapes behind the speakers closed. Below is a screenshot with the drapes open. You can see that makes a difference. The speakers are Ohm 1000s which are semi-omni and thus sensitive to the wall behind them. I've saved both the drapes open & closed to their own custom pre-set. But the big point of my earlier post was to show how dramatic the impact is of leaving the protective case on your phone when doing measurements. (I'd still prefer to use my EMC8000 measurement microphone but the WiiM app doesn't support that yet.)

room correction case off phone - drapes open.png
The curve above with the case off was with the drapes behind the speakers closed. Below is a screenshot with the drapes open. You can see that makes a difference. The speakers are Ohm 1000s which are semi-omni and thus sensitive to the wall behind them. I've saved both the drapes open & closed to their own custom pre-set. But the big point of my earlier post was to show how dramatic the impact is of leaving the protective case on your phone when doing measurements. (I'd still prefer to use my EMC8000 measurement microphone but the WiiM app doesn't support that yet.)

View attachment 9916
Your drapes seem to be a good form of room treatment 😀. Have you used your ECM8000 with REW to compare the result with the phone mic?
looks like a 50/50 from here
Sorry, you are absolutely right. I really meant to talk just about the last couple of post, not plain everything. My fault, I did not make that clear at all.
@WiiM Support, @WiiM Team

So, I have the app version installed (Android).

When I do a correction run but have the EQ switched on, it seems, that the test recording gets done against the equalized speaker.

Another problem: our hearing degrades, over the time, mostly in the higher frequencies. I am 54 and my last hearing test resulted in frequencies above 4k to come with a loss of over 20dB-40dB. Naturally, I use EQ to compensate, at least a little bit, for this. When I am doing an RC, the RC automatically fills all EQ slots within the configured frequency range and I have no slots free for my own, manual, settings (I do this from 4k to 15k). The only way to do this, is to correct over the whole range. But then the range between 40 and 400, where the most modes seem to happen, gets barely touched by the auto. What is the limiting factor for the EQ bands? CPU power or RAM?

Also, do you plan supporting the Dayton Audio iMM-6C measuring microphone?
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I can't install the app, I've turned auto blocker off and changed settings in chrome...
