New Ultra

More or less the last remaining thread with "Ultra" in the header, so here and sorry for hi-jacking.

May be time to rethink that romantic view on WiiM/Linkplay by many in the fanbase.
W/L is just another company with only one target: Maximization of profit! Thats absolutely ok, it is by definition and has to be the idea behind every business to earn as much as possible; they have shareholders/owners. There is not really space or need for empathy in todays markets. New clients in significant numbers do not grow on trees, you have to get them from the competition.
What was a brilliant tactic and a marketing masterpiece is the fact that they gave many Parcivals the feeling: Look, finally a company different to the other sharks from the bad, bad audio industry. They are budget friendly. They care about my sorrows and I am important for them as a single person. Nope! You aren't, your wallet is.
A simple example: The number one on that list is advertising a very simple automated EQing as room correction. For free! Brilliant step, but the only truth in that is "for free". Still fine, a nice to have and for sure useful for some. Most useful in a Google search for WiiM 😉 But it is definitively not true, it is by no means a room correction compared to more technically superior methods.
Updates every few days, great. Every month at least one new feature, great. All what you are is a cost-free army of bug searchers. And when they ask what product you like to have all the pre-work is already done for sure. "Eventually a soundbar or a subwoofer?"...funny. Or impertinent.
The last decision closing two threads when it comes to a real issue should become an eye opener for some of the die-hard fanbase. (Once I was one of them). They are not different, all what they want is your money! From a company's side the only way to have success. "Hinter der Trommel her, trotten die Kälber. Das Fell für die Trommel liefern sie selber" (Bertold Brecht).
May be this post is too harsh and will be deleted, it doesn't care. They do not need me, I do not need WiiM. I was and still are a fan of the Pro and the Pro Plus streamers as products, but no longer a fan from WiiM's attitude. You lost much of your integrity, WiiM. Most likely not for the majority. Nothing but wischi-waschi statements under pressure isn't enough.
Have a nice weekend all.
Congratulations! Probably the first audio-electronics related post ever to quote Berthold Brecht! 😁
Now that they've concluded that a new hardware revision will be necessary: when will it come?

Would it be a new PCB version for the same model or will it be a "Wiim Ultra 2" in two years from now.
I heard back from the selling dealer today. Since Ultra is not currently equipped with an MFI type chip, I received an answer that it would not be possible to support AirPlay through software in the future. So I'm a little worried. I am wondering if there is another way to play Apple Music.
WiiM is basically not a good solution if Apple Music is important to you. However, this is because the streamer does not directly support this music service. Airplay can only be a crutch, with limited sound quality. The advantage of a streamer is that it is able to receive and play independently without having to use a mobile device as a source. I often get the impression that many people don't understand this basic principle.
Even if you listen to the same song, there definitely seems to be a difference from Tidal.
WiiM is basically not a good solution if Apple Music is important to you. However, this is because the streamer does not directly support this music service. Airplay can only be a crutch, with limited sound quality. The advantage of a streamer is that it is able to receive and play independently without having to use a mobile device as a source. I often get the impression that many people don't understand this basic principle.
As I see it the lack of AirPlay is only a problem for Apple Music users - most other streaming are supportet through Connect-solutions or the WiiM-app. Maybe this is a good time to lay pressure on Apple so it can be a fully supported platform inside the WiiM-app 👍🏻
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As I see it the lack of AirPlay is only a problem for Apple Music users - most other streaming are supportet through Connect-solutions or the WiiM-app. Maybe this is a good time to lay pressure on Apple so it can be a fully supported plattform inside the WiiM-app 👍🏻

Good luck with that.

ho ho ho
Most interested in this device will probably own a lesser WiiM device just plug that into the optical input Bingo!
You have airplay 😊
I left Apple Music because I found that it was leaning towards atmos music way to much for me, also they seemed to have upped the gain so when I used it I had to drop the volume
Maybe more an issue with Sonos who knows
"Pressure on Apple"? From whom? From WiiM? You're kidding, or?
By pressure I meant to try to convince Apple that it is in their interest that their Music-platform can be used on a product that will sell in so huge numbers as the Ultra will. There are already streamers support Apple Music.

From whom? For real? Wich manufacturer are we talking about here on the WiiM-forum..
As I see it the lack of AirPlay is only a problem for Apple Music users - most other streaming are supportet through Connect-solutions or the WiiM-app. Maybe this is a good time to lay pressure on Apple so it can be a fully supported platform inside the WiiM-app 👍🏻
"Pressure on Apple"? Better to just boycott them 🤣
By pressure I meant to try to convince Apple that it is in their interest that their Music-platform can be used on a product that will sell in so huge numbers as the Ultra will. There are already streamers support Apple Music.

From whom? For real? Wich manufacturer are we talking about here on the WiiM-forum..

Do you think Apple being the multi trillion company cares what a small, cheap audio company and it's customers wants?

When Apple make their own competing products, and wouldn't want someone else under cutting them?
Do you think Apple being the multi trillion company cares what a small, cheap audio company and it's customers wants?

When Apple make their own competing products, and wouldn't want someone else under cutting them?
If Apple made competing product i would agree, but they actually they dont. Apple TV only give 24/48, and you must do cable to and from a TV if you dont have a amp/DAC with HDMI in and out. The only way to transfer Apple’s full quality streams is by hardwire to a DAC from a iPhone/iPad or Mac.

Im still surprised that Apple has’nt filled this hole in their product-range.
First off, sorry to hijack the tread. This is the most recent one that I can find about the Ultra that’s accepting replies. I’ve been active on a couple of threads that have suddenly been shut down and say that they are not open for replies. One of them is the main Meet the WiiM Ultra thread. Can anyone point me to the new one? Thanks a bunch
Congrats. You did manage to hijack and destroy the thread opened by @Jamp7 completely.

If you want to discuss a new topic, start a new thread. That's not specic.tonthis forum, that's the general approach.

Now, @Jamp7 can go ahead and start a new thread for his question.
As I see it the lack of AirPlay is only a problem for Apple Music users
That's how you and many people see it, which is fundamentally wrong... Airplay was a thing way before Apple Music as we know it was launched. It's there for Apple users - iOS AND Mac - to be able to cast the audio from any app which doesn't have its own "connect" system or even to stream system-wide audio.
That's how you and many people see it, which is fundamentally wrong... Airplay was a thing way before Apple Music as we know it was launched. It's there for Apple users - iOS AND Mac - to be able to cast the audio from any app which doesn't have its own "connect" system or even to stream system-wide audio.
Wich services do you need to send with AirPlay to you hifi-system that’s not supported by WiiM or Chromecast?

I have been a iPhone-user for the last 13 years, so I know AirPlay was important before these Connect-services, etc. But today I never use it for pure audio wich is the case here.
Wich services do you need to send with AirPlay to you hifi-system that’s not supported by WiiM or Chromecast?

I have been a iPhone-user for the last 13 years, so I know AirPlay was important before these Connect-services, etc. But today I never use it for pure audio wich is the case here.

airplay is basically wireless audio from iphone to a amp/speaker?
Wich services do you need to send with AirPlay to you hifi-system that’s not supported by WiiM or Chromecast?

I have been a iPhone-user for the last 13 years, so I know AirPlay was important before these Connect-services, etc. But today I never use it for pure audio wich is the case here.
I have a couple of old Airport Express second generation and a couple of older Airport Express first generation somewhere in the cellar.
I think it is quite time to put them online again and connect them to the optical input of the Ultra (when I will buy it) ... :)
BTW, the first generation ones are Airplay1, hence they support lossless streaming!
Wich services do you need to send with AirPlay to you hifi-system that’s not supported by WiiM or Chromecast?
OK, here’s a scenario: a household that has mixture of Apple HomePods and WiiM devices connected to various active speakers? What service would one use for full-house playback of, say, Spotify, if one wants HomePods to play music as well? And this is not an exotic scenario at all
OK, here’s a scenario: a household that has mixture of Apple HomePods and WiiM devices connected to various active speakers? What service would one use for full-house playback of, say, Spotify, if one wants HomePods to play music as well? And this is not an exotic scenario at all
That scenario could still be achieved utilising LMS but otherwise no I don’t think it would be possible with an Ultra in the mix. If anyone seriously wants to know how to in LMS then shout.
If Wiim dropped Airplay support for sure is due to a decision/pressure made by Apple. The only fault on Wiim side is to have announced it in the early stage of the Wiim Ultra project. I guess that right now Apple and Wiim are negotiating but nobody knows if or when a new Wiim device with airplay will be available.
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