Room Correction... I like it!

It adjust frequencies below the crossover frequency for the Amp. Is the pro different?
Hi slartibartfast,

Please check if the sub-out is turned on when performing Room Correction (RC). If the sub-out is enabled, frequencies below the crossover frequency will not be adjusted. If the sub-out is off, the adjustable frequency range will be respected.
Hi slartibartfast,

Please check if the sub-out is turned on when performing Room Correction (RC). If the sub-out is enabled, frequencies below the crossover frequency will not be adjusted. If the sub-out is off, the adjustable frequency range will be respected.
Well that isn't how it works. My sub out is on with crossover set to 85Hz and frequencies below 85 Hz are adjusted.
Hi Aquarius, Team

The current Room Correction (RC) does not adjust frequencies below the crossover frequency, regardless of your selected adjustable frequency range. We may revisit this in a future release.

Here are some ongoing improvements for the RC:
  • Separate PEQ for left and right channels
  • Automatic measurement of subwoofer latency and phase (time alignment)
  • Automatic level matching for the subwoofer
  • Automatic setting of the crossover frequency
Please stay tuned for updates!
Thanks for the reply 🙂
Just a little reply to clarify. I now see that I have posted in the WiiM Amp section, sorry. I have an ordinary Marantz integrated amp with pre-out, external DAC and WiiM Pro streamer. So fullrange out of Pro and no possibility to crossover in the system itself. Only on the back on the sub.
Thanks for the reply 🙂
Just a little reply to clarify. I now see that I have posted in the WiiM Amp section, sorry. I have an ordinary Marantz integrated amp with pre-out, external DAC and WiiM Pro streamer. So fullrange out of Pro and no possibility to crossover in the system itself. Only on the back on the sub.
As @harkpabst pointed out, please check the bandwidth of the measured frequency in the RC settings.🙂
Well that isn't how it works. My sub out is on with crossover set to 85Hz and frequencies below 85 Hz are adjusted.
Hi slartibartfast,

That's interesting. Can you please send us a feedback ticket from the WiiM Home App? We'll check it out promptly. Thank you for your assistance!
As @harkpabst pointed out, please check the bandwidth of the measured frequency in the RC settings.🙂
You guys mean this?

So the rise is inside the range I have set. And possibly the measurement are correct since it is an in-room-messurement and not in a anecoic champer. So what surprised me is that I cant see any difference on that rise with the sub on or off.
Hi slartibartfast,

That's interesting. Can you please send us a feedback ticket from the WiiM Home App? We'll check it out promptly. Thank you for your assistance!
Do want me to just raise a ticket without taking any action first? I hope you don't intend to remove the correction below the crossover as that is probably the most important area.
Do want me to just raise a ticket without taking any action first? I hope you don't intend to remove the correction below the crossover as that is probably the most important area.
Yes, please. Our goal is to enhance your user experience, not diminish it.
Hi slartibartfast,

That's interesting. Can you please send us a feedback ticket from the WiiM Home App? We'll check it out promptly. Thank you for your assistance!
I was able to reproduce this issue on my amp and have sent a ticket.
Ticket No. 508623

Crossover 100Hz

Crossover 250Hz

In both cases, no subwoofer is connected.

These results basically tell us to not use full range room correction if sub management is enabled but no sub is connected. ;)

But it also shows that RC does apply EQ even below the crossover frequency and that was the whole point @Wiimer is making.

This is the Ultra, right?
That fits this sub-forum. :)

But it leaves you with the task of also testing the Ultra, because it seems to behave differently. 😁
RC results for Ultra. 😊

Again, Sub is not connected, so I don't know what the change will be when Sub is actually connected...

I'll probably get a wiim sometime I have two different sets of main speakers so that EQ profile will come in handy. My AV pre has limited room EQ features and can't select EQ unless TV is on.

Using phone to choose speaker a and speaker b will be great.

Once the wiim supports umik1 and cal file it'll be a purchase.

Will be interesting comparing phone EQ and umik1 and show users that dedicated cal mic is worth the extra.
In all this use of room correction to rectify room idiosyncrasies, I have been amazed at just how the correction can vary from place to place. A shift of 15cm can have a dramatic effect. Also, the frequency curve is more irregular the closer to a wall one takes the measurements.

Yeah, it is a difficult task to accomplish. But still very satisfying giving the better results! 👍🏻
Also you might want listen in other spots of the room as well! So for me it is not about the small 1dB here and -1dB there, it‘s about the big general missings of a Amp/Speaker-setup, e.g. aligning Subs to Speakers and general room mods (90% in the low freq. departement below 200Hz)
I’ve tested it for about an hour and I’m a bit unsure if I can trust the measurements and whether the correction actually improves things.

My setup is connected as follows:
WiiM Pro
⬇️ Optical
⬇️ RCA
Integrated amplifier
⬇️Sub via regular preout (stereo)
Speakers + sub

One thing that puzzled me is that I seem to get the same measurement results whether the sub is on or off. It’s crossed over at 50Hz, and the measurements show a peak there. However, the peak is just as big when the sub is off.

I’ve set the settings to the BK curve and no correction from 200Hz. The measurement looks like this:
View attachment 9726

After correction, it looks like this:
View attachment 9727

The correction has removed the peak in the bass area, and there’s no doubt the sound is different. However, I’m not sure if I like it better. What makes me a bit uneasy is that the measurements were identical with and without the sub, making me question if the room correction is accurate enough before possibly using a UMIK microphone or something similar.

Any experiences or input?

Not sure what the problem in your setup is. However - and I am speaking of a setup as you have it with WiiM Pro+ - it works perfectly! Actually better than anticipated!
Let me explain:
I intensially moved the crossover frequeny of the Sub further up to around 75 Hz, and also increased the gain volume of the sub quite a bit. This results in much to much bass at around 50Hz.
The idea behind: As I have small florstanders (ProAcs) the mid/base driver needs to cover a huge frequency range, where the lowest frequencies consume a lot of the drivers attention. This results in a less free and open reproduction of the the mid frequencies… (actually I discoverd that withthis approach)
NOW‘s where RC kicks in! It figures out, that there is much to much base and lowers the gain at the frequeny range at around 50Hz. This means that the florstander gets rid of a lot of the low frequency burden, which the sub takes over because of the higher cross-over alignment!
Result: Much more open representation of the music and perfect alignment of Florstander and Sub! In my case really excellent! 🤩

Ps: the mic of a iphone 12 works well and accurate in my case.
Not sure what the problem in your setup is. However - and I am speaking of a setup as you have it with WiiM Pro+ - it works perfectly! Actually better than anticipated!
Let me explain:
I intensially moved the crossover frequeny of the Sub further up to around 75 Hz, and also increased the gain volume of the sub quite a bit. This results in much to much bass at around 50Hz.
The idea behind: As I have small florstanders (ProAcs) the mid/base driver needs to cover a huge frequency range, where the lowest frequencies consume a lot of the drivers attention. This results in a less free and open reproduction of the the mid frequencies… (actually I discoverd that withthis approach)
NOW‘s where RC kicks in! It figures out, that there is much to much base and lowers the gain at the frequeny range at around 50Hz. This means that the florstander gets rid of a lot of the low frequency burden, which the sub takes over because of the higher cross-over alignment!
Result: Much more open representation of the music and perfect alignment of Florstander and Sub! In my case really excellent! 🤩

Ps: the mic of a iphone 12 works well and accurate in my case.
I've done the same as you but with the Amp. I set the crossover to 85Hz and boosted the sub by 5dB so the RC can cut instead of boost. WiiM are still insisting that this shouldn't work.
I've done the same as you but with the Amp. I set the crossover to 85Hz and boosted the sub by 5dB so the RC can cut instead of boost. WiiM are still insisting that this shouldn't work.

Maybe there is a misunderstanding on the WiiM side: if you boost the sub, RC discovers this and corrects this at the signal level. So the signal comes corrected to the Amp. The Amp only decides at what frequency it splits the signal. So yes, based on my thinking it should work! 👍🏻🤩