WiiM Ultra Firmware v5.2.709956 - Mar 6, 2025

Again, the list of new features is nice and all, but is it just me or is the Android app really running behind? I'm still missing the option to change the VU meter look, which was part of the previous Feb 22 update for the Ultra.
Hi Pieterv1,

The new Android app will be released in a few days, allowing you to choose the VU Meter face. It will also let you select the VU Meter mode, which can display either the original signal or the output amplitude.
With this firmware if playing music from ethernet input and I play TV ARC the ultra does not change to TV input. I never had to enable auto-sense HDMI, that is enabled now and not changing.

I have to manually select TV input to change.

I notice Ethernet input only has 800ms input delay and not adjustable.
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With this firmware if playing music from ethernet input and I play TV ARC the ultra does not change to TV input. I never had to enable auto-sense HDMI, that is enabled now and not changing.

The only way to get TV input is to reboot the Ultra so far.

Can you please send a ticket if there is a problem with HDMI? Thanks.

I notice Ethernet input only has 800ms input delay and not adjustable.

My understanding is that it is there to shorten the delay when playing multi-room (Dolby 5.1) over HDMI and optical inputs. It is not needed for playback over Ethernet input or WiiM device by itself. (It does not work.)
@WiiM Support Why are we doing beta testing?

None of my observations from the test of "Recently Played" has been fixed in the released version.

Was reported in:
"#523975 Recently Played Ultra Beta test"

My initial test of the WiiM Ultra display "Recently" option in Beta test. It generally works. There are however some minor issues. There is no sync with the "Recently Played" in the WHA. Probably because it is local for each device? But it feels strange. The Ultra list includes playing from "Preset" selections, the WHA don't. And there is no need to. It's in the "Preset" screen anyway. The pictures from "Preset" selections are however not included into the list on the Ultra. Only from other selections. The new option is correctly available from the "Home" screen but why does that screen have a completely different look and feel than the other screens? Finally I would like to have a longer timeout before the "Recently" screen returns to the default screen.
Hi hgo58,

#1 Currently, the recently played history is stored locally on each device, so it does not sync across the WiiM Home app. We agree that this might feel a bit unusual. We’ll explore a solution, possibly using cloud synchronization, to improve this experience.

#2 Regarding the preset issue, we will address it in an upcoming update. First, we’ll fix the missing album issue, and then we’ll evaluate whether Preset should be included in the Recently Played section.

#3 We will adjust the timeout for returning to the default screen and introduce an option for customers to customize it according to their preference.
The WiiM Ultra display do still not show the album title playing.

Is nobody missing it?

This was the @WiiM Support answer 5 months ago:

"Following up on the previous email.

We expect the next firmware update for WiiM devices to include a fix for the issue you’re currently experiencing.

We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.

Best Regards,
WiiM Support"
Hi hgo58,

This was our mistake. I will ask our UI team to prioritize this requirement and address it as soon as possible.
Thank you @Burnside, you helped me figure out what I was doing wrong. I was just expecting to see different options under Audio Input or Audio Settings. I hadn't read the FAQ carefully, so I wasn't starting from the Now Playing screen. I found the 5.1 icon there and everything went smoothly from there on. Thank you!

Watching "Flow" now with two Audio Pro A10's as the surrounds. Sounds really good so far.
Its kind of tricky to find.
I use an iPad as control, and I didnt find the 5.1 icon at first at the now playing screen until I rotated the iPad vertically and then it shows up.