New Ultra

It would be great to not have a possibility to jump from 30 to 70 or something. So that you have to increase step by step , like via remote
In the app it's a slider, so v. fast volume changes are possible.
The physical volume knob is quite slow, half a turn changes volume by "8"
I admit did not understand @Aquarius' question. Sorry🤣

And of course you are right. 🙂
Understandable since my english isnt great 🙂

Smartplug used his WiiM Pro with fixed volume to an external DAC, and he adjusted volume on his external DAC going into his amplifier. He had the understanding that he could still do that with the Ultra and connect his sub to the sub-out on the Ultra.

I therefore replied that I thought he must set the external DAC to fixed volume, and use the volume-control inside the Ultra so that the Ultra controls the volume on both the sub and the digital out to external DAC.
Can someone post a screen shot…Is the volume control in the WiiM app a ‘dial’ or ‘slider ? Is there a way to change it? I get a slider and I’m not confident of intricate control if going directly into an amp..
As @Mr Ee already said it's a slider I. The app. No way to change it.

The volume control buttons on your phone are also supported. They allow 1 percent increments or decrements and work on all screens related to music playback (but not in sub menues for device or app settings).

You can set an absolute volume limit in the WiiM Home app but that's also software operated, of course. If you want a physical security measure for maximum operational safety you do need a mechanical pot.

Having said that, the Lyngdorf integrated amplifier in my main system has digital volume control, managed by software, only and I never had any issues in almost four years of ownership.

Smartplug used his WiiM Pro with fixed volume to an external DAC, and he adjusted volume on his external DAC going into his amplifier. He had the understanding that he could still do that with the Ultra and connect his sub to the sub-out on the Ultra.
WiiM Mini, Pro and Pro Plus don't have a sub out at all, so it was out of question for this setup. So far only the WiiM Amp and the WiiM Ultra offer this feature.

Controlling mai speakers and subwoofer levels from two independent devices would be a mess. It really doesn't make any sense to have all other outputs fixed but leave sub out variable.
As @Mr Ee already said it's a slider I. The app. No way to change it.

The volume control buttons on your phone are also supported. They allow 1 percent increments or decrements and work on all screens related to music playback (but not in sub menues for device or app settings).
Thanks for that info.
WiiM Mini, Pro and Pro Plus don't have a sub out at all, so it was out of question for this setup. So far only the WiiM Amp and the WiiM Ultra offer this feature.
I am not currently using the Ultra's sub out so I can't verify the details of how it works; I have the sub connected to the Pro and have the Ultra and Pro in a group playing simultaneously.
Can someone post a screen shot…Is the volume control in the WiiM app a ‘dial’ or ‘slider ? Is there a way to change it? I get a slider and I’m not confident of intricate control if going directly into an amp..

I wouldn't trust phone volume control, I've had it where volume control on phone effected my av pre through the app.. Not a wiim product.

It was full level for a couple of seconds. Luckily no damage.
@Wiimer has the sub connected to the regular line level output of the WiiM Pro.

No proper low pass filtering available in this case (at least not yet), so he's been experimenting with shelf filters, which didn't turn out too well. The sub can still employ its own filtering, of course.
@Wiimer has the sub connected to the regular line level output of the WiiM Pro.

No proper low pass filtering available in this case (at least not yet), so he's been experimenting with shelf filters, which didn't turn out too well. The sub can still employ its own filtering, of course.

Yes, I am playing with this until Ultra adds per channel PEQ. 😁
Low pass is done on the sub side and further adjusted by PEQ.

The advantage of this method is that I can use independent 10PEQs for the sub and main speakers. Also, auto-sync with two WiiM devices in the listening position could easily correct the sub delay. (Maybe..)
(I have not tried this yet, as I do not perceive any sub-delay.)
While I wait for Roon Ready and Airplay, I decided to use my Raspi4 (with an Allo hat) running Ropieee and run the coax digital into the Ultra. But a few minutes later I realized there is no coax input…it is an output !!!

I ordered a coax to toslink converter to add one more noise source (Argh!).
While I wait for Roon Ready and Airplay, I decided to use my Raspi4 (with an Allo hat) running Ropieee and run the coax digital into the Ultra. But a few minutes later I realized there is no coax input…it is an output !!!

I ordered a coax to toslink converter to add one more noise source (Argh!).
I hope you are aware of the recent news that the current WiiM Ultra units will never be able to support Airplay right?
While I wait for Roon Ready and Airplay, I decided to use my Raspi4 (with an Allo hat) running Ropieee and run the coax digital into the Ultra. But a few minutes later I realized there is no coax input…it is an output !!!

I ordered a coax to toslink converter to add one more noise source (Argh!).
The next revision ultra probably be called V2 to have airplay. Current line don’t have it and will never have it on firmware. It has missing chip for airplay.
The next revision ultra probably be called V2 to have airplay. Current line don’t have it and will never have it on firmware. It has missing chip for airplay.
Is that a fact? Did WiiM/LinkPlay state that?
Do you think wiim will just hand you in chip to plug in and update? How do you think wiim implement that knowing it has no chip?
I do not think anything. I just would like to know where you got your information.
Just about every comment made here are just their own thought nothing concrete or facts.

‘Comments made here’ are worthless. The only thing that matters is what WiiM/LinkPlay states officially. Making ‘comments here’ about things posters do not have direct knowledge is not helpful and creates confusion. IMHO.
‘Comments made here’ are worthless. The only thing that matters is what WiiM/LinkPlay states officially. Making ‘comments here’ about things posters do not have direct knowledge is not helpful and creates confusion. IMHO.
If you don’t like what you read the door is open for you to leave. We’re are entitled to our own thinking as long we’re not offending anyone.
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The USB Firmware is available! I updated my ultra and use usb out to my benchmark dac3.
I have been noticing their using ultra as streamer only and use their own preferred dac. I’m doing the same thing.
If you don’t like what you read the door is open for you to leave. We’re are entitled to our own thinking as long we’re not offending anyone.

So now you are the gatekeeper? Everyone is entitled to an opinion… but not to post speculative posts not stated by the manufacturer. YMMV.