New Ultra

No, at least not yet.

Do you have them (both :)) on the low gain setting (25 dB)? If so and one still requires a higher level for auto on than the other, there's really not much you can do, but talk to the seller for a replacement.Or don't use the auto position.
Thanks for your reply!

Yes they are both on low gain settings. So you would rather consider the v3 Monos as the issues?
Any thoughts on a potential channel imbalance on low volume on the Ultra side?
Thanks for your reply!

Yes they are both on low gain settings. So you would rather consider the v3 Monos as the issues?
Any thoughts on a potential channel imbalance on low volume on the Ultra side?
Try swapping the V3 monos around and check if the same amp turns off.
@harkpabst What is the temperature of your V3 monos? I have them too, and I'm a little nervous about them getting so hot!

Without any speakers even connected yet:
In standby mode: 37C
Turned ON but without any load: 45C
When connected to speakers (92dB speakers) and playing music (around -50dB): Around 50C or even more.

Room temp: 26C
I have the same setup. Though I use a balanced connection. My mono amps are side by side on a separate platform.
I had read about them getting hot but they stay pretty cool to be honest.
I have the single power supply with the fosi power filter.
Thank you guys! I now have mini, pro, amp and now ultra. Prior from ultra I had pro connected to external dac via optical then to power amp. The external dac cost more than the ultra using dual ess 9068 as well as dual 5X opa 1612. Ultra did not blow or outperform the external dac. I agree what hifi huff said. The higher dac gives better separation and greater width and depth. I like the display. I see other people buy ultra only to use external dac when they can just buy pro for less money.
When using the external DAC, fed via optical from the WIIM, say using its Streamer then, is the EQ Settings from the WiiM App still operational ?
Just for fun...
No one would call me a fan of the Ultra and its enormous list of features 😝 and thats right.
But this part of a preview for a review is nevertheless impressive. I bet you guess who is the author 😉
