Meet WiiM Ultra - The Digital Hub for Your Music

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Just reading up on Dolby Atmos -

While obviously there may be flaws in this article it suggests that the simplest format is 3:1:2 where the 2 is the number of overhead speakers. Not sure how it can apply to a 2:0 or 2:1 setup so interesting question indeed.
One for the Ultra q&a spreadsheet I’d say…
Yes, I won't do it because it would be too much trouble.🤗

Just reading up on Dolby Atmos -

While obviously there may be flaws in this article it suggests that the simplest format is 3:1:2 where the 2 is the number of overhead speakers. Not sure how it can apply to a 2:0 or 2:1 setup so interesting question indeed.
I believe Ultra is not compatible with Atmos.🙂
That’s disappointing - if what that says is correct, Google seem to be restricting their licences for Chromecast to that limit :(

I’ll add that to the ultra q&a sheet
According to this

Cast 2.0 is only for low memory devices. Surely they wouldn't limit all devices.
still strange dat devices that supported 96Khz/24bit are getting downgraded
Are other devices affected apart from Cambridge Audio?
I remember I could cast at 96Khz to my Chromecast second gen (the puck) it is now limited to 48Khz. Chromecast Audio still does 96khz 24bit. Maybe google just bloated the protocol so much, older devices can't be updated any more without limiting bitrate (using less buffer space)
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Sorry if I've missed this, but has it been announced what cables will ship in the box with the Wiim Ultra
Good afternoon, guys! What's up with the hype on this forum? Come on, we must continue encouraging the people of LinkPlay. Please don't forget South America! :whistle:;)
so there is a build in mic for room correction, and then you have the option to use a umik as well ?
The built in mic isn’t (yet?) used for room correction, you currently need to use an iOS device, although I understand support for external mics is being considered
The built in mic isn’t (yet?) used for room correction, you currently need to use an iOS device, although I understand support for external mics is being considered
that would be awesome, if this will be confirmed that means you can use the wiim software icw a umik mic to do the room correction on your phone ? or do i need external software and be a pro at EQ'ing ?
that would be awesome, if this will be confirmed that means you can use the wiim software icw a umik mic to do the room correction on your phone ? or do i need external software and be a pro at EQ'ing ?
As it stands at the moment (well in the beta RC firmware), you run RC using the WiiM Home app and your iPhone/ipad’s internal mic. The process is very simple - you are stepped thru it on the app where it basically does a tone sweep from your WiiM device, the app measures that and produces a set of PEQ parameters with the results. However, users have asked for calibrated external mics to be supported, as well as Android phones. WiiM are looking into these potential enhancements.
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